View Full Version : I am possessed with alive human

4th June 2015, 01:50 PM
He is a religious sectant and he was my boyfriend 13 years ago at university. He had a grandmother who was a witch or something, I guess it is her job. I happened to offend this guy. I guess he asked his grandmother to send a demon on me. This demon makes me feel myself a total sh*t. But my question is not about demon. I never think or remember him. I don't feel anything towards him. But I constantly get night dreams where I am in deep love with him and want to be his bride. He never tells me anything in the dream. This is so humilitating. Once he told me: I will always be with you. I don't know what he meant then, buy I feel I am possessed with him. It's not that I cant get rid of feelings to him, no. It is that I feel his personality has absorbed mine and I somehow feel he possesses my energy, that is he sucks out my energy and I instead feel I am possessing his energy. When I look into the mirror I see his eyes instead of mine. I talk like him, I have thoughts he had, I feel I am him, not me! What the heck is this and how do I get rid of him?? I must admit I have been depressed for these years and only now I decided to change my life.

4th June 2015, 02:44 PM
This sounds like a classic case of continual psychic attack.

First: learn and practice shielding. There are some topics here in this forum on this, and you can also find various techniques with a Google search (possible useful terms: psychic shielding, psychic protection).

Second: You MUST cut ties, and keep cutting them, because it's ridiculously easy to re-form them. Just thinking about someone can do it, sometimes. Cutting ties (again, there are threads here on that topic, and you can also search with terms such as: cutting psychic ties, removing psychic bonds) in combination with shielding will work, but...

It can take a while. You really have to keep at it. I would do a tie cutting ritual once a day (or more!) and know that when you cut the ties, the person will often respond with a blast of psychic rage (this happened to me repeatedly until I worked out to first craft the shield -- with the person's actual name on it, in my case -- and THEN cut the ties). Cut, cut, cut, shield, shield, shield.

As for which kinds of rituals will work best for you, that's something you'll just have to experiment with. I don't personally like involved rituals, so I use simpler techniques over the more complex ones, but many people get great comfort and benefit from more formal rituals, so it's really a matter of what you like and what works for you.

Please feel free to ask specific questions if you have them. Blessings and light be with you.

4th June 2015, 03:12 PM
Hi Sharon,
What works for me is to send LOVE towards the bad-sender, I feel that I do not have anything but understanding and I forgive.
I also feel total secure and protected, this I have build up since early childhood, I have a "happy" room where I go when I feel sad or threatened, so do what work´s for you. Never doubt your own strength and abillity.


5th June 2015, 03:53 PM
When you find shielding techniques (there are various stickied ones in this subforum) I suggest you implement a mirror shield.

5th June 2015, 03:58 PM
When you find shielding techniques (there are various stickied ones in this subforum) I suggest you implement a mirror shield.
Agreed. Bounce it right back at them. Sometimes it's the only way to make them stop.

6th June 2015, 06:44 AM
Hello sharon

You started to feel something else before you made the connection with the ex-boyfriend do you remember what made you come to this conclusion it was him. I see that you hold some sort of image of the grandmother in your mind as a person capable of doing this was this your thought that first sprang into your mind when you started to feel something touching you.

If the dream of the boyfriend came before the paranormal activity happening around you then something else around you is manifesting these thoughts. Do you have a significant other or are you alone and how strong is this relationship.

certain entities can enter into your mind and find thoughts of the past those of romance or pain and can bring these thougths up in the dream world to try and find other informatin about you. The entity you are dealing with is bad he will find thoughts about thoughts and push unwanted feelings at you.

Try this next time you feel thoughts of the boyfriend coming up think of a man you would fall dead over heals for, try and imagine him in your mind even in a more personal way. Every time the thought of the boyfriend comes up think of the boy toy you found and can imagine in your mind, soon your images will change as the entity finds these new thoughts.


9th June 2015, 12:36 PM
I would do a tie cutting ritual once a day (or more!) and know that when you cut the ties, the person will often respond with a blast of psychic rage (this happened to me repeatedly until I worked out to first craft the shield -- with the person's actual name on it, in my case -- and THEN cut the ties).

How should I deal with this psychic rage coming from the person, can he really harm me? I feel that this rage is empty and he can do nothing to me, is it so?
I have another person who attacks me even more severely, he is my relative, I need to be near him all the time and when I cut the ties I feel his rage... He does not know he is possessed. What may happen to him when I cut all the ties? I love this person inspite of he is tormenting me and am afraid for his sanity... Should I pary for him, how can I help him get rid of the entity, it is very, very evil... Basically he is trying to kill me. I'm afraid when I abrupt the torment he will loose control over himself and harm me in any way physically. I don't know what he understands but he should understand something. When I tried to talk to him he was getting angry and mad! How can I help him?

9th June 2015, 02:10 PM
How should I deal with this psychic rage coming from the person, can he really harm me?
It's very draining and distracting to be under constant psychic attack.

As I said, cut ties and shield, do both. And keep doing it.

I have another person who attacks me even more severely, he is my relative, I need to be near him all the time and when I cut the ties I feel his rage...
Yes, this happened when I finally cut ties with my father. I was unprepared for the huge ball of flaming rage he directed at me (from the other side of the planet, too; time and space are meaningless outside the material realm). This is the purpose of the shielding. I had to construct a shield for each of my parents, in fact, slightly different ones for each, with their names on the shields, because it was the only way to keep them out of my dreams and stop them from constantly pestering me.

What may happen to him when I cut all the ties?
Impossible to know. Sometimes there's a decline, but if there is, that's not your fault. You don't have to be an energy source for people who mean you harm. You have a right to protect yourself and be at peace.

Should I pary for him
If you're comfortable doing that, yes. Prayer can be extremely effective.

Basically he is trying to kill me. I'm afraid when I abrupt the torment he will loose control over himself and harm me in any way physically.
That is worrisome. And it's a lot more difficult to use shielding in a very direct situation, but it can be done. You have to be vigilant about it, though.

As for what you can do, the first thing you need to do is care for yourself and look after your own well-being. Nobody else will do that for you, nobody else can do that for you. You must be your own guardian, and once you're safe and well, you can start to reach out to help others, but until then, it's like someone who can't swim trying to save a drowning person. :(

9th June 2015, 05:48 PM
I have another person who attacks me even more severely, he is my relative, I need to be near him all the time and when I cut the ties I feel his rage. If you have to deal with a person directly like this then I suggest you add the Blue Room Meditation (https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2010/08/27/the-blue-room/)to your repertoire. I have found it to be very effective.


13th June 2015, 10:52 AM
Thank you for help! I will try to do my best to help myself.
How many times should I do the Blue Room meditation? Should I cut the ties with my relative also who attacks me? May I do cutting ties with more than one person at one session?

13th June 2015, 10:55 AM
Thank you for your help! I will try to do my best to help myself.
How many times may I do the Blue Room Meditation? May I do cutting ties with more than one person at one session?

13th June 2015, 01:01 PM
You can specify to cut all ties, or to specific persons. Do the Blue Room meditation as often as you need to do it, but I'd say at least once every day.