View Full Version : COPY: G'day Mate, no hope here.
29th May 2015, 10:14 PM
Copied from a question in the Ask Robert section:
Hi Robert! You probably remember me, we speak through email pretty darn infrequently. AndyB is me, in Michigan USA.
Yeah, know you remember.
Anyway, I still follow you whenever I think about it, but I've pretty much given up hope on everything. My eldest son is doing OK, my youngest is still extremely demonically oppressed, but I really can't call it oppressed because he revels in his disgusting lifestyle. I don't have any contact with him anyway, so who cares.
My eldest has turned to the catholic church, which I don't mind, it's his business. He was confirmed this Easter, good for him I say. Meanwhile the pope is a fanatic leftist socialist bent on destroying whatever is good and moral within the church, so I'm not real keen on jumping into that organization really.
My own spiritual journey has come pretty much to a grinding halt and end. I no longer care anymore, well, maybe a little, very very little, as in-I wouldn't want to spend eternity in hell kind of thing. Other than that I've pretty much given up on chasing after enlightenment. When I die I think I'll be happy just fading away. Life has worn me down that much. I almost look forward to nothing, after a lifetime of worthless humans doing worthless things for nothing at all in the end.
Anyway, you're looking for a's mine. I'm not sure at all what I can do to re-light any fire I could possibly ignite to avert the nothingness to come, and only a very small part of me cares at all anymore. What's the point? I'll live my life, do what I can, then die and that'll be it. If I'm very lucky, maybe I can just turn off like a light bulb and cease to exist.
See where I'm going here? As I move along toward the end I guess I throw out threads hoping someone will grab on, nobody has, so I'm pretty much assured myself that it's not worth the bother. It ends up looking more like a big old self pity binge than anything else, but it's not. I'm just tired, and the search seems pointless at this point.
Ok, enough blathering on....I hope all is going excellent for you (AND all your readers too!). If you have any poignant advice I'll be happy to read it, but if you think just blinking out for eternity is an ok option, really I would accept that as well.
Take care,
Andy B.
30th May 2015, 11:04 AM
Hey Andy, feel free to open a new thread if you would like anyone else to comment (& I will) since this is the Robert section.
30th May 2015, 11:57 AM
Andy, it's entirely normal to feel burned out, dormant, or just "at rest" on this journey. There are times when there's no motivation, times when the bottomless rabbithole really starts to get tedious and annoying, times when you're just entirely apathetic, times when you're just overtaken with existential ennui, and an infinite variety of other possibilities. Completely normal, even commonplace, in fact. I'd be willing to bet that just about everyone here can tell stories of times they were apathetic, exhausted, hopeless, and so on.
My personal way of dealing with it is to just sit with it and let it be what it is. Nothing is ever permanent.
30th May 2015, 01:33 PM
That sounds as you are on a good starting point for your spiritual development. Since you say life is at its low at least nothing can get worse and so only better
Start with a exerfise where younrecognise how rich you are. Say thanks to all the things you got. You think you aint got nothing? Probably you got head arms andnlegs eyes ears. You got food. Not everyone has that already your a lucky one! You got internet acess. You can write and on and on.
Start andaily meditation session of 1 min first then push it every day a little bit longer.
Make some small exercise and streching a daily habbit.
Still sad?
If nothing helps go to some other country to help for free or for food. Google help exchange and you will find enough places where you can help a lifetime and longer. Also many meditation centers search helpers. I just say vipassana centers for example.
HopenI could help For any question just write me
All the best
1st June 2015, 08:44 PM
Hey again :-) I'll try to do my best with my advice. You can take it or leave it- but if you want to do better, I suggest you should give it a try.
I know you're feeling stuck. I understand :( but you deserve to feel better. And maybe I can help you with that.
The most important ingredient for human happiness- is gratitude. So start with the little things. Write down 5 or 10 things you're grateful for before going to bed every night. Try to really focus on each of the things and feel grateful for them. It could be the little things no one cares about but are so important. Having food. Having a roof over your head. having legs to walk with. So many people- don't have those things and we just take them for granted... So many people throught the world don't even know how to read. Just think about how lucky you are to be sitting here, reading this. And we are!
I think what can really give you a happiness and determination boost is a very simple yest helpful thing:
Write a list of things you want to acheive/ manifest. Break down each for the little steps it takes to get them. Then start doing them, one by one! every time cross one you achieved and place another goal. Read and edit your list (with a limited amount of goals) at least 2 times a day. Think about the goals as much as possible.
And a final note: Everything will get better. This too shall pass.
7th June 2015, 03:54 PM
AndyB - is that the same Andy with whom I exchanged PMs and emails some while ago (a different username?)? It would be great to hear from you! Feel free to send me a PM if you have the time. If you are someone different, please ignore this first paragraph.
Everyone gets periods of self doubt and uncertainty. It is all part of being human, a part of the "test". How we respond to it depends on how strong our memory of the spirit world is. That is why astral projection (as distinct from RTZ buzzing about in the etheric body) is such a help in restoring contact with true reality - a reality far greater than the one on this earth, which some people take as the only "real" one.
8th June 2015, 03:26 PM
OK, I have a lot to say, but I will offer just one tidbit of advice. Please don't take this the wrong way. I can tell you from experience that it will help you.
It sounds to me like your relationship with your children is a major hindrance on both your path and theirs.
Your youngest may indeed be demonically oppressed. However, you can help that situation by not saying words like 'he revels in his disgusting lifestyle' and 'Who cares?' It may be disgusting to you, but if he is enjoying the path he is on, the best thing you can do is love him with your whole heart and accept his path. The very words you speak to him and about him contribute to this oppression. And even if no one else cares, YOU clearly do. That is what matters.
In my personal experience, demons work not only by causing a person to harm themselves in many different ways - they work through others as well, especially close family members. You can fight them in the physical realm by not allowing them to channel their negativity toward him through you. The more you love your son and accept the path that he is on, the better the situation will become. The things he does may anger you, but always choose your words and your tone carefully. Parental acceptance is extremely important. If he feels that he does not have this acceptance, he will subconsciously seek it elsewhere - this feeling of unacceptance may be part of the reason he is on a destructive path.
My advice is to love your children and accept their paths. Restore contact with your youngest. Go to church with your Catholic son, even if you don't understand or appreciate the beauty of the Catholic faith. It's not about that. It's about making an effort to mend things as much as you can. This requires some self-sacrifice on your part. Make your children feel accepted by you, and they will eventually come to understand your path and your experience, even if they choose to be different.
Don't take my advice as the word of God. You can take it or leave it, but if you try these things, I suspect the situation will get better for both you and your family. Also, have patience. Things may not get better immediately, and they may seem to get worse before they get better. But as long as you trust in your higher being (whatever you may call it), it will always restore your path to an upward movement.
You are never alone in this.
19th June 2015, 09:14 AM
Hi Andy,
have got many good advices and support, I will only second some of them and it is:
your children with your whole energy, it does not mean that you agree on theires life style, only that you love the child.
To let go totally and trust that all will be okay, to know when you have done it in right way, is when you feel total peace in your whole is very hard and you do not mistaken when you have let go deeply.
I send all my Love to you and your children, I know all will be okay maybe not as you have picture it, so be prepeared to be surprised in the miracle.
19th June 2015, 03:38 PM
I just read Robert's reply in the original thread. I second, no, third his thoughts.
25th June 2015, 12:56 AM
Hi Andy B,
I think a nice walk in nature would do you some good. Life sometimes pitches you lemons without proper guidance on how to make lemonade... The juice is inside the lemons (hint...) :wink:
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