View Full Version : OBE, Lucid Dream or Just Plain Weird?

16th May 2015, 09:55 PM
I'd like to share something with the community here. I don't know if this counts as an OBE, a lucid dream or just plain weird, but this bizarre event happened to me in April of last year. Before I go into detail, I need to give you some background info – otherwise it makes even less sense than it does already.

When I was in college in the late 1980's I had a girlfriend – let's call her “Jane” (not her real name). We met towards the end of my sophomore year, but things didn't really get together until my junior year. We had some great times, but it pretty soon became clear there was no way were going to go the distance; we wanted very different things out of life. For starters I wanted travel and adventure; whereas, like the old song says, she'd settle for suburbia and a little patch of land. So we drifted apart, which was kind of sad, but inevitable. I've often harbored the notion that she met some other guy when she went away with her girlfriends over Spring Break, because things cooled quite rapidly after that.

Jane was 18 months older than me, so my junior year was her senior year. After her graduation (which I wasn't invited to) she went back to her hometown and I never saw her again. We corresponded for a little while over that summer, but when my second letter went unanswered I figured our relationship had run its course and we were through. It's not like we had a big bust-up or anything; in fact, I look back fondly on our time together.

After I graduated I went into the Navy, traveled around and spent a lot of time out of the country. When I left the Navy, I settled in the South, got married, and sadly got divorced 2 years ago. In all that time I never forgot Jane, but I didn't give her a great deal of thought either.

OK, that's the background you need to know to put what happened next into context.

In April of 2014 I was on a business trip to London. The company I work for has its European headquarters in London and I usually go there a couple of times a year. The second night I was there I had this weird dream.

In the dream I found myself standing in the hallway of a hospital. I've no idea what hospital it was. I could tell from things like the light switches and nurses uniforms that it was back in the US, but that's all. The hall wasn't particularly long, and there was a sort of lobby area off of it with elevators and orange plastic chairs. I could see daylight through the window – it was night in London, but would have been either late afternoon or evening back in America.

I looked down the hallway and I could see two female orderlies pushing and pulling a gurney. They both looked like they'd rather be anywhere else, and I remember thinking: I'll bet they push their shopping carts round the supermarket with more care than they're showing that poor patient.

As they got closer I could see the patient was a woman, and although she wasn't screaming, she seemed to be in a great deal of pain and distress. When they drew level with me, I looked down at this lady on the gurney and thought: I know her. It took me a moment, but then I recognized her. Oh my God! It's Jane!

She looked kind of different from when I last saw her back in 1988. She was older (obviously) and she wore her hair differently than she did back in the 80's, but she was definitely my old girlfriend from college.

Then things got REALLY weird...

It was like, just for a moment, I was her. I could see things from her perspective. I hadn't realized it until then, but my hearing had been muted up to that point, yet all of a sudden I could hear doors slamming, people talking and all the other types of noises you hear in the hospital loudly and clearly. I could feel the hard rubber surface of the gurney and the chill of the air conditioning through the thin hospital gown. I could also feel this searing lower abdominal pain, the likes of which I've never experienced myself in real life. It was like she had a red-hot lump of charcoal trapped inside her. More than anything else, though, I could feel absolute terror. It was as if she was in fear for her life and expected to die at any moment. This only lasted a couple of seconds – less time than it will have taken you to read this paragraph – but it was incredibly intense. I woke up and thought: Oh no, she's dead. Jane's dead!

I felt terrible – bereft even. I hadn't seen this woman in over 25 years, yet the thought that she might be dead really hit me hard. I must have looked pretty miserable the next day because one of my British friends remarked: “Cheer up, it might never happen.” I felt like telling him it was too late and it probably already had! I couldn't explain what was upsetting me because I couldn't understand it myself.

When I got back home I looked up the website for Jane's hometown newspaper to see if there was an obituary or something, but there wasn't. I kept looking over the next couple of weeks, but any obituaries were just for old folk who had died.

I decided to try and find out what had happened to Jane in the intervening years since we split-up. I put her name into Google, and there were all sorts of results for women with the same name, but nothing for her. I figured she must be married by now, and every time I had a spare moment at the computer, I looked around on public record sites to see if there was any mention of her. Eventually, I discovered she'd moved to another state – fortunately one that puts public records online (not all do) or I'd be no wiser now – and that she'd gotten married there just over 3 years after we split.

I put her married name into Google and found several mentions of her – including a Facebook page. Unfortunately it's one of those Facebook pages that you've got to be logged on to see. I'm not on Facebook (and don't particularly want to be), so I “borrowed” my daughter's account and logged on.

I discovered several things. First off, the page had been updated only a couple of days before my visit – which meant she was still alive and hadn't died a lonely, painful death on a hospital gurney. Needless to say I was pretty happy about that.

Then I saw some other things that completely blew my mind. There were a whole bunch of photos on the site – photos of her, photos of her husband (presumably) and their kids. In the photos posted over the previous 18 months or so, she had the same type of haircut as the lady on the gurney in my dream, so I'm pretty sure we're talking about the same person here. There was also a text post dated around this time last year. In it, she thanked everybody for all the flowers, get well cards and messages of support and goodwill she received during her recent stay in the hospital, and went on to say that she was home now and feeling much better.

Spooky or what!?

I'm sorry if this post is a bit long. Writing it has been a cathartic experience. I've not been able to discuss this with family and friends because I didn't think they'd take me seriously, or might think I'd turned into some kind of nut job or something. I'm sure members of this forum are more open minded.

Thanks for your time.

17th May 2015, 12:29 AM
It definitely sounds like you had a spontaenous projection to her. Maybe subconsciously at that moment she was thinking of you, and the conditions were right for the experience. I think I'd call it something like 'spontaneous projection' or 'remote view' more than an OBE, but certainly a real visitation.
Very interesting.

17th May 2015, 02:36 AM
I wonder if these sort of things happen just to "wake us up" to the greater reality, but the content isn't really what matters.

18th May 2015, 12:17 AM
I think the content is very important. If you are not very skilled in OBE's and remote viewing and these sort of things. Then that means when things like these happen its a very important experience that higher powers want you to see and experience point being it wasint your skill in OBE that allowed you to have this experience but probably something else providing it for you for a purpose. I would contemplate and try and process what this means and what message is in this experience odds are theres a very important message and meaning in the experience

18th May 2015, 08:18 PM
My feeling is that this vision was something strong enough to give him pause; something strong enough to compel him to investigate. If he saw some person he never knew he never would have been able to look her up. So through his own personal experience he followed up on the hint and verified that this was real, and that he saw it happen from afar.

I'm sure it's not true for all visions but I consider this to be his higher self "throwing him a bone".

22nd May 2015, 05:00 PM
Thanks for all the replies.

I would contemplate and try and process what this means and what message is in this experience odds are theres a very important message and meaning in the experience

The message I've gotten from all this is: She was the right girl at the wrong time. If I could live my life over, I'd do things differently.

I had no idea what a spontaneous projection was until I looked it up, and it seems to (sort of) fit the bill. It just strikes me a bizarre that I could “be inside” someone else's body and could feel their pain and fear.

It's also a weird co-incidence that I happened to be in London when she had this admission to the hospital, and so could be asleep at the right time. If I'd been at home I would have been awake and might have been doing something that required concentration – like driving my car along the freeway. Then again, there used to be weird dreams and strange coincidences involving this lady when we were together. I'll post details if anyone's interested.

23rd May 2015, 09:16 PM
Hi Dynamo, I just want to comment on one point you queried here.
Being inside someone else's body and feel their pain.
This is possible ( as you found out ) . The author Kurt Leland writes of experiencing this whilst deeply observing a water strider on a stream. He was I suppose meditating with his eyes open and suddenly he was the insect. He felt the water underneath his feet, skimming the surface. It was so amazing to experience that he writes of this. He suggests this is an ability of the senses everyone can develop with deep concentration. ( I've just hunted my books out to find what he calls it but the 'multi dimensional ' is missing.) Its either permeation or mind meld.
I've experienced this only twice . The most recent recorded recently in my journal .For me I believe this was a lesson for me to take notice. This was not of a person I know but I became this person and perceived with her eyes and thoughts therefore understood her reactions. I was also inside the man , knew his thoughts and was trying to understand her behaviour. I could see the misunderstanding from the girls view then understood her reactions? For me ,this was to understand better both sides and am currently working through an issue in physical where this is helping me.

Ahhhh spiritual insight.
Just settled to sleep thinking of this when it dawned on me that Robert Munroe also talks of merging his energy body with other spirits he would encounter which is almost like a handshake in physical and everything about this spirit person is known.
So I would think it's possible that whilst asleep your etheric body tuned into where she was and visited her and for a brief moment you merged your energy body with hers.

24th May 2015, 08:36 AM
Found it.
Kurt calls it Permeation, one of the relational senses.
He writes, " it involves an immediate, complete and timeless understanding of the nature of another consciousness through melding with it. In permeation there's no attempt to invade, control,or take possession of another and there's no loss of identity on the part of the experienced. The inner senses cannt be misused in such ways. According to Seth, they simply do not function until they can be handled properly." He likens it to Star Trek The Vulcan Mind Meld.

Ps, yes Dynamo I'm sure we would all love to hear about them.

24th May 2015, 02:04 PM
Very interesting story. Maybe it could mean that you have something unfinished with her. Something you want to finish. Maybe you didnt let her go or something like that.
I wanted to write somehing else but this camenl spontaneous and felt more right.

25th June 2015, 03:55 PM
Very interesting story. Maybe it could mean that you have something unfinished with her. Something you want to finish. Maybe you didnt let her go or something like that.
I wanted to write somehing else but this camenl spontaneous and felt more right.

Maybe, or maybe she has something unfinished with me. Like I said earlier: the message I've gotten from this is she was the right girl at the wrong time. Maybe, deep down, she thinks I was the right guy at the wrong time too.

7th February 2018, 05:32 PM
Further to my opening post…

I was watching a rerun of Unsolved Mysteries a while back where they did a segment about a fighter pilot who was shot down over Kuwait during Gulf War I. He was captured by the Iraqis, taken prisoner and tortured.

At one point his captors bound his wrists together above his head, hung him by the bindings from a hook in the ceiling and beat him with whips and sticks.

Back in America, where it was still night, a good friend of his dreamed all this. It was, he said, just like being there. He felt the pain in his wrists; suffered with every blow. In fact, it was so realistic that his hands hurt so much the following day he couldn't even lift his morning mug of coffee.

A few nights later the friend had another strange dream where he was locked in a dark dungeon. It was cold and he could see a blanket on the other side of the room, but could not reach it because he was shackled to the wall.

When the war was over, the pilot was released. So severe were the injuries inflicted on him, it took him many months to recover. When he was finally able to come home, he and his friend met up. The friend told the pilot about the strange dreams, and the pilot confirmed that, yes, that's exactly what happened. He was surprised his friend knew about the blanket, because he hadn't told anyone about it.

Exactly how his friend could have been inside the pilot's body and felt his pain and distress was, as the show's title suggests, an unsolved mystery.

So I guess this sort of stuff does happen if there's a strong enough bond between the two people involved – it just doesn't happen very often, and the bond must be very deep and special.