View Full Version : Hello i have a few more questions

14th May 2015, 07:51 AM
day 2
With your eyes closed, trace a finger
around this same circular path while following
the touch of that finger with your
point of awareness. Continue following
this action until you can remember the
exact feel of this circular movement and can recreate this action with your point of
body awareness alone.

When i try this i get a sick feeling in my stomach,
and i cannot recreate the touch feeling unless i well touch my finger,
however i can create pulses of sensation in the later exercises, am i doing it right?

14th May 2015, 01:42 PM
Maybe you're hitting some trigger point which causes the nausea. This is just an exercise to get you to feel something without touching skin- getting you to remember what touch feels like. It's not supposed to feel exactly the same, but to elicit some sensory response from your body (or energy body located in the spot.) Try doing this in another spot to see if the nausea is caused by the sensation. And if you can get 'feel' (any tingling or just body awareness in the spot) is ok.

15th May 2015, 05:17 AM
Is there a way to see if there any event in my location coming up as i live in perth and i would like to see one of his seminars or get a personal training from robert? as i live in australia

15th May 2015, 12:19 PM
I suggest you go to the 'Workshops' thread or 'ask Robert' and ask him there. He doesn't read the entire forum always.