View Full Version : Why do I keep waking up?

8th May 2015, 02:45 AM
Once I start to realize I'm dreaming I can't seem to stay asleep. It's like the dream state just starts decaying and I cant do anything to stop it. For example the other night I had a dream where the ninja turtle went insane and started attacking me and some friends that my subconscience generated. After a little while I woke up in the middle of the night and wrote "insane ninja turtles" in my notebook. I wrote some stuff before that too so it wasn't the first time I woke up that night.

It just seems like I've been waking up more often. Maybe because I'm realizing more dreams. Has anyone here had this sort of thing happen?

8th May 2015, 02:53 AM
I think if the intent of writing down ur dream is too strong u will wake urself in order to remember the dream. At least thats my reason. I had to learn to keep more calm in dreams and to not worry about forgetting them in order to get longer dreama.

Now i dont write any notes in the middle of the night but only in the morning my memory is mostly quite good of 1 or 2 long dreams. But mostly i remember them either directly or 20 mins after waking up

8th May 2015, 06:41 AM
I think if the intent of writing down ur dream is too strong u will wake urself in order to remember the dream. At least thats my reason. I had to learn to keep more calm in dreams and to not worry about forgetting them in order to get longer dreama.

Maybe this is it. I'll have to try this because it seems that I have issues with waking shortly after I realize I am dreaming.

8th May 2015, 08:26 AM
For me it was that. Im dreaming wow i must write it down. As u wish be it woke up. Hehe

I do know like this. When i find myself dreaming i safe it in my brain by recalling triggerwords three times in mg dream or short after waking while still in a dreamy state and enjoy the rest of the dream. 80 percent i can remember them afterwards.

8th May 2015, 01:48 PM
It's natural to wake up after you gain lucidity, if it's not induced. This is because it's more often when you're in the REM stage, and are starting to wake up the frontal lobes when you become lucid. So it comes natural to wake up after that, since it's the last stage.
This can then become a habit (or, you're only becoming lucid at that last stage) and one state triggers the other.
This doesn't happen when you induce lucidity from a waking state (wild or phase), but it's another issue, I think.

8th May 2015, 04:46 PM
@CFT @WhiteMonkey I'll be sure to keep both ideas in mind when I begin more dream work :) it is natural so remain calm and continue to focus on key points within the dream so I may remember those key points after waking.

Sounds good :D:thumbsup:

8th May 2015, 05:14 PM
Well, I have been doing MAP since I recently bought the book. Although I'm starting to think that all my dreams are actually unpleasant. I cant even remember the last time I had a good dream.

8th May 2015, 05:24 PM
Hey well that may show u something. Would you tell usnandream sonwe can see what they might mean?

11th May 2015, 03:16 AM
I'm still working on remembering dreams, but from the ones I can remember the most common negative situations are losing body parts, experiencing a car crash by means of falling off a cliff/highway, being killed by some kind of savage beast, and stressful situations at school or some other social gathering.

11th May 2015, 01:15 PM
Sounds like a lot of 'fear of being hurt or killed' type of dreams. Your vehicle (car crash=your vehicle=your body or mind), So you're either afraid of being physically or emotionally hurt- the 'losing body parts' sounds (to me) like losing parts of yourself in an 'identity crisis' kind of way. Of course, I'm just speculating, could be totally off here.

11th May 2015, 06:55 PM
Sounds like a lot of 'fear of being hurt or killed' type of dreams. Your vehicle (car crash=your vehicle=your body or mind), So you're either afraid of being physically or emotionally hurt- the 'losing body parts' sounds (to me) like losing parts of yourself in an 'identity crisis' kind of way. Of course, I'm just speculating, could be totally off here.

I think you may be right on both counts. Technically I have lost part of my identity. Due to a series of events that were out of my control I am being expelled from my engineering college. What's strange is everyone wants to help me get back in(even the dean) but all of their hands are tied by the invisible chains they have created. So when people start a conversation with me, they always ask the same question even if. "What do you do?" So I'm pretty much at a loss for words and I say the same thing I've been saying for years out of habit, but I feel so dishonest.

I'm gonna take up computer programming. I don't know if it's the right thing to do, but my brain is fill with math and I've gotta do something.