View Full Version : Fall in love inside a dream...what does it mean?

8th May 2015, 02:12 AM
Hey guys,

I have a question about a specific emotion in a dream what would u say if u dream about someone and then in the dream it feels like u really love him or her already forever and then when u wake up u still feel this strong love?

Probably u would say u love that person right? But heres the thing. What if that person in ur dream is different every night and sometimes a person u didn't speak to in 20 years? The only continuos thing is that the gender is always the same(the opposide of the dreamer).

I'm interested of ur thoughts

Wish u all the best

8th May 2015, 01:43 PM
I've read that to dream of being in love means that you either love yourself or the way your life is going, or are exploring unresolved issues regarding the theme in itself.
What makes me think that it's about loving yourself is that you are picking different images and they are of the same (opposite) sex, I would say this has to do with your animus/anima and integration with many self-aspects.
I hope it means you are satisfied with your life, but are still working on integration of all your subconscious aspects.

8th May 2015, 05:19 PM
Wow. Im very happynwith my life and the way its going. It could be that I rediscover parts of myself and feel the love from them myself. Wow

8th May 2015, 07:49 PM

19th May 2015, 07:15 AM
The dream mind is capable of rendering and feeling that you have previous experienced before. So if you have ever felt deep feelings of love then this can be experienced and rendered in a dream. I have experienced similar expereinces of falling in love (briefly the emotion fades after a few days) with dreams characters of people that i have never met and with people that i know in real life. The wolrds of dreams and waking are not so different, just as love can be sparked and entertained in the physical it can happen also in the dream world with just as much realism and content. Unless it was a lucid dream or something that was much different from your normal dreams i wouldint look to much into it.