View Full Version : Shadow memory recall

3rd May 2015, 04:44 PM
Hi Robert,

So I have been doing M.A.P. (currently at day 24), I have been combining this with occasional exit attempts (especially on weekends). I have had 7 succesful OBE's in this time, some really short and some longer ones. It is always the same thing, it feels so vivid and amazing at the moment but once I wake up it feels like a blurry and distant memory... and this is kinda disappointing. The dream journal has done wonders for me, I have something to write down everyday now while before I remembered one dream per week or even less. My question is, besides the journal, how can I improve my memory recall? Maybe by asking for it while out-of.body, before reentering?

Thank you!

Robert Bruce
21st May 2015, 12:23 AM
Subtle memories improve over time and with use.

Yes, making affirmations and commands during OBE and lucid dreaming, etc, will help to improve your recall and clarity.

"I remember everything clearly!" and similar.


22nd May 2015, 12:31 PM
Can i ask what astral projection memories are like? are they like dreams, just memories that pop in you r head without experience or do you experience them but they they have a tendency to dissappear like a dream memory?

Robert Bruce
23rd May 2015, 05:33 AM
Subtle memories from OBE can be as real as normal memories, just like if you got up now and went for a walk you will have full memories of that walk.

But, they can also be fickle and tend to disappear, much like dream memories. This is why my main focus on teaching obe is on shadow memory recall, on how to maximize your chances of capturing obe memories.
