View Full Version : Left side of energy body too active

2nd May 2015, 03:43 AM
Hello Robert,

After doing pranayama,kriyas and meditation for some months,my left side of the body specially the head seems to be very active.I can feel it all the times.The sensations decrease with alternate nose breathing temporarily,but pretty much active all the time.How to balance the energy system?How to make the right part of the body active?
I also have a DNS,and the left nostril is active most of the time and has a wider pathway than the right?Could this be a problem?Any suggestions about balancing the energy body permanently?



Robert Bruce
21st May 2015, 12:12 AM
My left nostril is larger than my right, due to a broken nose decades ago, but my right side is naturally more active than my left.

Nostril size can be a factor, but this is not a limitation.

The body awareness tactile imaging energy work system I teach makes it possible to balance the energy body through direct manipulation.

I suggest you get a copy of my book, Energy Work....available on Amazon.com and any good bookstore. Amazon is probably the cheapest, as is the eBook version.
