View Full Version : Too energized?

24th April 2015, 12:31 PM
Hello all,

About half a year ago I became very interested in astral projection. I've read a lot of material/watched videos on the subject. I've purchased the audio sessions from a hypnotherapist (will not name - project using self hypnosis) and I've also ordered Astral Dynamics Revised Edition (i'm halfway through the book) and Energy Work by Robert Bruce.

It seems I'm too tense and can't seem to relax my body to achieve sleep paralysis and I keep building saliva and have to swallow. Any thoughts on this?

My other problem would be that each time I try to project (at night) after 2-3 hours of sitting in the bed, I can't go to sleep as I'm full of energy. I usually end up falling asleep at 8-9am (and start to project around 1am). My energy work consists in about 2 minutes of receiving energy from the sun directly in my solar plexus and thus my body becoming pure light.

If you have any thoughts about what I'm experiencing and how to achieve the needed relaxed state for projection, please let me know.

P.S: i'm a smoker if you think that information helps

Thank you and happy travels :)

24th April 2015, 01:25 PM
It seems I'm too tense and can't seem to relax my body to achieve sleep paralysis and I keep building saliva and have to swallow. Any thoughts on this? Do physical relaxation exercises (like progressive muscle relaxation) prior to beginning any type of trance meditation. Don't worry about saliva buildup- you swallow when you're going to sleep, so you should just swallow without having to think about it. If you're so 'drooly' that it's a problem, don't lie down on a bed, recline yourself up. I use a recliner to project, it makes the exit effort-free for me. Also, don't try to achieve 'sleep paralysis'. It's a bad idea, as you don't get sleep paralysis when you enter trance, your cutaneous senses become disengaged and you lose sensation, making you not feel it. Looking for body sensations to see if you're ready is centering, good for meditation, bad for projection. Instead focus on whatever meditation technique you're using, being breathing, visualizing or just noticing. But don't check for sensations. When transitional symptoms come, you will know it.

My other problem would be that each time I try to project (at night) after 2-3 hours of sitting in the bed, I can't go to sleep as I'm full of energy. I usually end up falling asleep at 8-9am (and start to project around 1am). This is a typical problem. Since what we're doing is trying to keep the mind awake while the body goes to sleep, it is counterproductive to try to project at bedtime. Pick another time, and don't do energy work before going to sleep. I do energy work at sporadic times during the day (or as part of a meditation regime, when I have the time) and move my projection practice to the early morning, around two hours before my usual wakeup time. I also don't try to project every day, just once or twice a week.

My energy work consists in about 2 minutes of receiving energy from the sun directly in my solar plexus and thus my body becoming pure light. That's definitely not Robert's technique, but whatever works for you.

24th April 2015, 09:49 PM
Hi CFTraveler,

Thanks for the prompt reply. Indeed I do need to work on my muscle relaxation and meditate more on quieting my mind as is very chatty.

Unfortunately, I don't own a recliner and at the moment I'm stuck in bed due to a broken angle situation. Therefore I have plenty of time for reading, practicing. So far I've only been getting to the part where my body tingles. And one night I've awaken with a deafening sound in my ears that passed in about 30 seconds.

What kind of energy work are you doing if I might ask? Do you also do visualizations like imagining yourself walking in the house, touching objects, etc?

Thanks again.

P.S: if you're using a recliner and your body falls asleep, don't you just fall out of the recliner? :D

24th April 2015, 11:49 PM
I do Robert's NEW (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/content.php?130-new-energy-ways) and supplement with various types of visualizations, besides practicing Kundalini yoga (not as often as I used to) and a little Tai Chi (which I'm also rusty at). I also use hermetic elements in my energy work most of the time (ok, some of the time).

27th April 2015, 09:06 PM
Looks like I'm just scratching the top of the iceberg.

I'll keep you posted on my progress.

Thanks a bunch :)