View Full Version : Is this a spirit thing?
21st April 2015, 09:12 PM
Today morning I was just trying to float out of the body when suddenly something pulled me by the ankles out of the body (characteristic of me, I know). But then something unusual happened- I tried to move away but I couldn't so I just let go & told myself I'll roll with whatever will happen. So out of nowhere, still holding my ankles someone whispers in an unknown language some incomprehensible words. And again. And again. It kind of sounded like the whispers from the beginning of the secret (as I remember it).
I was just really bored for some reason- I couldn't move nor see. So I tried responding and all that came out of my mouth was animal sounds! Hmmm... Yes, one of the weirder ones.
It's interesting for me to know- was this a spirit? I never encountered this sort of thing while leaving the body. Maybe it needs help? And why the heck did I make animal sounds? That's actually pretty entertaining.
Thanks! X
22nd April 2015, 03:02 PM
When in sleep paralysis state I often experience the inability to speak because it seems I try to use my physical voicebox / chords then. Maybe your animal sounds were related to that? What sounds were they exactly, or what animal? Or just a kind of 'croaking, groaning, roaring' whatever? This could hint to a paralysed speech organ that you tried to use. Could you see or were you in teh void/exit blindness? This state for me is also typical for speech problems when we do not manage to switch over to astral telepathic communication mode it seems. Also the language spoken by the "people" around me in the dark sounds familiar- but the words are still not understood - that's a very common phenomenon for me. Sometimes it sounds like my language but the words still make no sense. Strange indeed.
23rd April 2015, 12:34 PM
Hey Sinera! :-) I actually made the sound of a cat and of a duck as far as I can remember... Also in other times I remember making the sound of a cat and actually acting (!) like a cat while I thought I was being attacked (trying to scratch and going rrrrrrr).
This time I couldn't see anything while going out and I also felt I couldn't move anywhere so I guess the void...
It's nice to know you also had similiar experiences.
Another weird thing- the next day I tried to exit again and I felt someone rubbing on my back! very odd.
26th April 2015, 06:27 PM
Don't know if anyone is reading this but I'm gonna write things down here, anyway. Things have gotten a little weird lately. Firstly- I tried to go OOB staright from a dream, which is a thing I do sometimes. I managed to do that but then one second later I was back at the physical. Then A few days ago I was just in my bed when I felt someone touching me from behind- of course I jumped but it was not in the physical. Then today morning I was in my bed when a thought came to my mind "what is this?" and immediately I felt someone grabbing me from under my armpit. Of course I jumped again. Someone cares to explain?
27th April 2015, 05:37 AM
Don't know if anyone is reading this but I'm gonna write things down here, anyway. Things have gotten a little weird lately. Firstly- I tried to go OOB staright from a dream, which is a thing I do sometimes. I managed to do that but then one second later I was back at the physical. Then A few days ago I was just in my bed when I felt someone touching me from behind- of course I jumped but it was not in the physical. Then today morning I was in my bed when a thought came to my mind "what is this?" and immediately I felt someone grabbing me from under my armpit. Of course I jumped again. Someone cares to explain?
Hi doncto,
I just want to say that I read what everyone writes, so just so you know.
27th April 2015, 09:07 PM
IA, thank you for being so nice and kind! It makes me want to become a better person :-)
much love.
28th April 2015, 05:51 AM
IA, thank you for being so nice and kind! It makes me want to become a better person :-)
much love.
You are such a darling Dontco. Thank you, you brought a happy tear in my Eyes.
2nd May 2015, 05:52 AM
When I first started practicing I would get pulled out by these "beings" too. I remember once I was being pulled and spun around in a circle by my ankles and then it let me go and i seen what looked like a little kid in a black shirt fly away and i woke back up. Another time there was these two goblin like things hanging me by the ankles and laughing while i hung there. sometimes it would be all black to and id feel like being spun in circles.
I can't say what stopped these experiences exactly but I'd have two suggestions from what I did. One, i just accepted this as my higher self or the spirit of mother earth playing with me and trying to have fun. Two, I stopped blaming negativity on other outside sources such as other people/friends and began accepting it as my own. I feel once I did that then these beings left me alone or whatever it was.
But just accepting it is the best thing you could probably do. Once you learn what it is you need to learn from these experiences they'll pass :)
2nd May 2015, 10:21 AM
ctcarr, thanx for responding! :-) your experiences are very interesting. I usually do not see who is in front of me during pullings. But the pulling was definetly was there from the start for me, too. It's also there when I don't need it, thought. It also happened to me that the puller left me hanging in the air. Annoying stuff. Don't know why they do that but the pulling itself, as far as I know, is usually done by helpers who are trying to get you out of body. Well, maybe just some of the time. Last time it happened- I didn't sleep all night and then the moment I thought about going out of body someone started pulling my legs when I just wanted to sleep. That moment I thought I don't ever want help from anyone and got really upset- and gave my higher self orders to never do this again and it hasn't happened since. But probably it will happen in the future, you never know :-)
2nd May 2015, 07:13 PM
Yaa I believe it to be my higher/lower self most of the time now because that's who I ask to guide me during my experiences. Most of the time i'm not seeing any beings anymore but my experience will fade/restart if i get distracted or i seem to be going off the path of my guides.
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