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dimona delvere
21st April 2015, 05:38 AM
javascript://Hello Everyone,
My name is Dimona. I am writing an article about Astral projection and would like to get some insight into the practice from people experiencing it.

I am particularly interesed in the experience when you leave your body and while you are outside your body?
How different is it from lucid dreaming?

What works the best for you?

21st April 2015, 01:06 PM
Hi and welcome, dimona.
What usually works best for me is getting up early in the morning, sitting in my recliner and cultivating a trance from which I can exit easily. It's easier than doing it from the bed, and I'm relaxed enough that I trance quickly without falling asleep, as I've already slept a nightful and don't have to fight to stay awake.
The difference between the OBE and the LD is mainly of environment- in an OBE I usually end up in my room, with 'realtime sight' (for example, if it's morning, the light will show it, if it's night, the perceptions are appropriate to the time) while in a lucid dream it is usually daytime, (for me) and the environment is not where I am physically, amongst other things.

22nd April 2015, 09:12 PM
hi Dimona,
I can explain how I experience getting out of body and what happens after that but it is very rare that I have managed to wake up in a dream and turn it into a controlled exit into astral.
When I first started projecting I found like CFT that early hours of morning were best as body still very relaxed, mind was running slow ( not full of daytime issues) and more importantly was not needing to sleep.
Real Time Zone ( mirror image of where I was at time, bedroom) was where I would end up. Very often I would have spent long on circling feet so feet and legs would feel floaty and sometimes moving in directions impossible to do in physical.
Sometimes would feel whole body like wobbly jelly slowly raising up. But experiences are not always the same for me

Ive felt a card but then fingers would go through it. Passing through a wall slowly I can feel slight resistance.

I've wanted to go somewhere in the house ( to the card) and I've gone through the motions of going downstairs through the rooms.
But then I've had times where I've gone through the same motions of realising I'm leaving body but whilst just above body without thinking of moving I've suddenly found myself at ceiling height at my bedroom door. ( viewing a mist rise from my body then joining this mist and shot straight out the window remembering nothing after that. )
Rose up once from body and could see my husband's etheric body reaching his hand trying to stop me going out. His arm stretched till it reached the ceiling but I shot out through the window in time .
Only once have I smelt during an experience and this was grass. It was the sweetest of smells. ( RTZ, my garden. )

Oops have just re-read question and your asking about astral projection! Rather than delete what I've just written will keep in as it may be useful as a comparison considering many people who start out consciously inducing an OBE may start off in RTZ.

Astral Projection.
Sometimes the exit involves the noise, vibration, jelly wobbly as raising up and sometimes none of these. Sometimes an awareness of slowly raising up then deliberately shooting up as high and as fast as possible. Vision may be blank but still with a sense of movement.
Suddenly colour and vision may set in. Enviroment whether land, space, a room, whatever can be as vivid and bright just as physical life on a sunny day. Detail can be very sharp. I seldom perceive any background noise, just the odd "hello"
Everyone will have different experiences depending on where they end up and how developed their energy bodies are I believe.
Also we can be aware of looking ahead then without thinking can be viewing ourselves from behind or sideways. So 360 vision is good but not always.
Sometimes I can have a character talking to me but I can sense a shadow( energy) in the background and feel friendliness from the shadow but nothing from the character talking.
I think I had better stop there because I realy don't know how experienced you are in this subject ( and if not) then the warning signs are starting that I may have gone too far .

dimona delvere
24th April 2015, 01:11 AM
Hi everyone,
Thank you for your replies. I used some information for my article. I am indeed not experienced practitioner. But don't worry, I don't think the information you gave to me is harmful and I think I have understood the most of it. I have tried astral projection once when I was writing my article. But my experience was more close to meditation experiences. I felt some numbness and warmth in my hands and my heart beat was very clear and I could feel it across the chest. But no vibrations or sounds. It is very interesting topic to read about. It got me curious to try it myself.

Many Thanks again,

24th April 2015, 01:17 PM
Hi Dimona.
As the vibrations and sounds are transitional phenomena, you have to get into a trance state to experience them. If you want to experience an exit, I suggest you sit in meditation for an hour (if you have the time) and then try some exit or loosening method, just to see what happens.
If you'd like a more complete list of possible symptoms I can give you a link to some of the stickied threads we have regarding this.

dimona delvere
25th April 2015, 06:43 AM
Hello Susan and CFT Traveller,
Thank you for detailed description and advise. Susan, I will use some of it in my article. Can I ask you how long have you been practicing it.

I want to try astral projection again to write about it in the article. I know that i takes months to learn but I have only one night so I thought to ask whether there are some techniques which work particularly well. I also would like to be able to describe it to the readers, who do not have any experience with it and are skeptic.
What I am going to do so far is to
1. meditate for an hour
2. lay on o back without moving my body
3. try to concentrate at the middle of my back
4. I may try visualizations

How long did it take you to learn astral project?
Also, I would like to make sure - normal dreaming is not the same as astral projection, right? Some publications doesn't make it clear.

Thank you for your reply,
I appreciate your help,


26th April 2015, 10:27 AM
Hi Dimona,
In reply to your question, how long have I been doing it?
My first conscious projection was ten years ago at the age of 50. Had never heard of the term Astral Projection. Knew nothing about this. I was completing a top up degree course as well as working self employed. New tutor had failed me a module and time was running out. That night I was very very stressed and couldn't get back to sleep. Mind everywhere when suddenly I was catapulted through the roof into space, then diving back down , then back up again with someone holding my hand. Was then flying , taking a guided tour of different scenes down below us, all different, but not related to physical landscape as we know it.
Then it ended.I was so excited but only told my sister who suggested what it could have been. She did some research for me and came up with Robert's Book Astral Dynamics.
That was when my experiences started. Started heavily practicing News and what I loved is I would experience something that maybe didn't make sense, then sometimes less than 24 hours later I would read of this in a book confirming my experience.
( such as the etheric arm stretching as high as the ceiling, or seeing a profile of me but much prettier next to me laughing at me , but I felt her happiness as well. )
I even feel excited now just recalling this and feel also a little sad for those who do not explore this avenue. They are missing out on so much. My life is filled with happiness , friendship, love of family, successful business, so I couldn't be described as some poor old lonely soul who spends too much time on her own.
Some people will never be convinced. That's their loss.