View Full Version : Doing astral projection guide need to ask a question.

13th April 2015, 07:00 AM
I am on day 2 but i am nervous as i don't know what energy stimulation feels like. and i can't really get any sensations. It is infuriating.:angry: also during the breathing exercises i feel sick for some reason. Does it really feel like a sponge going through me? as all i have gotten is a cold wind like feeling.
I am just worried i cannot do it, i want to see these other realms and universes and meet other powerful beings.
also when i am staying still how long do i have to stay still to get sleep paralysis, and can i swallow saliva and such while staying still? last thing, i heard someone talk about ringing when it is quiet and i hear that all the time when i go to sleep is that the thing described?

13th April 2015, 12:44 PM
I made a copy and answered some questions in here: http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?18023-copy-Doing-astral-projection-guide-need-to-ask-a-question&p=134149#post134149

...since this is the 'Ask Robert' thread.

Robert Bruce
21st April 2015, 12:16 AM
I recommend you get a copy of the audio CD set 'Mastering Astral Projection' which is completely different product to the 90 day guide with the same title. This will talk you through it all...just follow the voice.


Everyone can do energy work. I have taught children as young as 4yo.

Yes, you can swallow normally during relaxation exercises and meditation. It is best not to think of this and to just let your body do its job.

How long anything takes varies considerably, depending upon one's experience. The work involved with entering a deep state of physical mental relaxation is progressive. Practice every day and you will soon get there.


28th April 2015, 03:58 PM
What do you mean by follow the voice, there is affirmations, brain wave generator, New manual, dream journal and sleep programming, i wish there was a clear concrete guide. That just tells me what to do

28th April 2015, 06:07 PM
He's talking about the Mastering Astral Projection 6 CD set, which is a different program with the same name, using binaural CDs as a backdrop. Instead of following written instructions, you listen to a voice that directs you through the exercises you are going to do.
He's recommending you get that one, which is newer.
The program you're talking about is the original book which comes with a CD ROM (which is for computers only).

Robert Bruce
21st May 2015, 12:09 AM
The Mastering Astral Projection CD set also has a concise booklet included with advice and instructions. This is a very good produce and quite inexpensive considering alternatives.


21st May 2015, 01:24 PM
I really like it. I like it more than the JOOB, to tell you the truth.