View Full Version : Hi everyone!! New projector

10th April 2015, 06:00 AM
Hello everyone! I'm so glad to find a community like this!

I will tell you a bit about my projection background just to set some context.

I have projected 3 times in my life (probably many more, but I just remember 3):

1- I was 6 years old, my mom was about to have her second child and she was extremely nervous (she almost died when she had me). She was about 8 months in, one night I suddenly felt like I had woke up, I felt so much peace around me for some reason. I decided to go to my parent's room to comfort my mother, I stood next to her for a few minutes just trying to calm her down. That is all I remember, I didn't realize this wasn't done in physical form until the next day... my mom told me an angel had visited her at night, she saw a cloudy figure above her bed and she felt instant calm. I told her it wasn't an angel, it had been me.

2- I was about 18 years old, I was asleep when suddenly I "woke up", I started floating right above my bed. The moment I realized this I turned my head towards the bed and I saw my body sleeping... I got scared and pulled back instantly.

3- Just a few months ago in New Year's Eve I remembered the experience I just wrote about. I wanted to project and it was in my mind all day. I had slept for like 2 hours only, my body was exhausted but my mind was widely awake and active. I went to bed and focused on not moving my body but staying concious (I hadn't read anything about astral projection by then, just a few talks here and there). Suddenly I raised my head and chest (like sitting down on my bed), I had projected, I saw my sleeping body and my parent's on the bed next to me... it was so hard to move, I was both fearful and excited, I managed to move about 6 ft across the room. I didn't go through the door, I decided to take one step at a time so I went back to my body...

Anyways, I am reading MAP now (day 4 today), the second day I felt vibrations all over my body and like the sensation that I was starting to project, I stopped it because I don't want to rush. I've felt really strong sensations with the energy work and I'm loving the meditations... I feel great!

So I wanted to ask... any newbie tips? Any key things that I should keep in mind along this journey?

Thanks for reading this post!!!
Cheers from Mexico!

10th April 2015, 07:56 AM
Hi Jzinser, and welcome.
If I could find two important tips to ease your experiences it would be ,
1) do not let ANYTHING frighten you.
2) your state of mind at the time plays a big part in how you experience things. Try not to watch violent films prior to a projection and
try to eliminate negative thoughts.
With those two factors addressed I hope you have many happy projections and look forward to reading them.

10th April 2015, 01:54 PM
Welcome to the forums J.
I hope you find the guidance or support you need here. There is a MAP subforum you can go to when you have specific questions about the program, many of us have completed it and may have insights.
Welcome again.
Si quieres información en español tengo páginas dedicadas a los foristas de habla hispana.

10th April 2015, 05:17 PM

Sounds like you have a natural ability. Seems that u biggest barrior is fear? I hope u can manage that soon. The tip withnot watfhing bad movies prior to astral project is good also dont read worriing articles or books.

Otherwise if u have the vibs go through with it. If u always block them u will bild a habit tonstop them which is not good...

Wish u all the best

11th April 2015, 05:55 AM
Thanks for all your answers! Susan, the state of mind thing is a really good tip, I'll make sure to be in a calm state once I start with OBEs. Cft, no need for spanish... I'm fine with english! Thanks tho. Whitemonkey... yeah maybe, i don't know really, but several people have told me that I have great potential for spiritual things like this.

Fear in general has been probably the biggest barrier in my life, especially as a child... I've worked on it and it is a lot better now but there is still a lot to overcome. With OBE's, I will try to project during the day first to help with this.

Have a great weekend! Thanks again