View Full Version : Traveling

5th April 2015, 01:52 PM
Hello, dear Robert! :-)
1. I wanted to ask- can one go about and project to a destination they've never been to before, Edgar Cayce style? If so, how is it possible? I though about memorizing a photo of the same place during day time and then vizualizing it during an OBE.
2. A second question- I keep visualizing bad scenarios over and over while not intending to. Is there a possible way to stop it or turn it around? I thought about loads of affirmations for mind control or just turning it around to a positive visualization of something I do want.


Robert Bruce
20th April 2015, 11:54 PM
You can go anywhere with real time projection.

But, instant travel to unknown locations is difficult unless you have some association, like a person or a monument or etc.

Using a picture can shift you into an illusion.

Trial and error is the best way.

As for your second question, filling your mind with imagined unicorns is a good way to push away negative imagery, whether this comes from the subconscious, the environment, or negative spirit influences.

You will find that the quality of what you see and hear have residual effects on the subconscious mind. For example, watching horror movies all day will tend to put images and scenarios in the subconscious mind that will surface during meditation and dreaming, and in random thoughts.

Feeding your mind good quality information will in turn have positive and uplifting effects.

Affirmations are a good idea, too. They will help to banish negative imagery.

Affirmations are the most powerful tools we posses, with which to make changes.
