View Full Version : Question: does your OBE look the same as mine at first?

29th March 2015, 12:35 AM
Just curious, as I have noticed a trend every time I've projected so far (only three times though - last two were this week!) that what most people on here call the RTZ or lower plains, or what you project to when you first leave your body usually, is an odd colour. For me it looks like everything is tinged blue or purple, and shadows are exaggerated. I'm just curious how many other people see it this way. When I first projected it scared the crap out of me because it seemed like I was in some crazy dark alternate universe! But I got over that with an overwhelming feeling that I had been here before.... There was a sense of familiarity, no matter how "scary" the visuals were at first.

So, does everyone else's OBE look blue/purple and dark at first? Or is everyone's experience different? It would be interesting to see how many others see the same thing as me, that might indicate that what we are experiencing is actually "real", and not just us floating around in a dreamscape and imagining our rooms this way.

I should also point out that the first and last projections were mid-day, the second one was at like 4:00AM, and I did notice it was even darker at night but still similar.

OH ALSO - does anyone else think it feels really cool to stick your hand through a wall and just FEEL it's energy? My last OBE I went around "feeling" things before I had a scare and shot back to my body... Heehee. This is getting so exciting for me. :)

29th March 2015, 01:59 AM
Well, I don't a lot of experience but I can tell you that most anything of my out of body centers on the colors green and black. Kind of like a real dark, but not quite forest green. The last time I astral projected I actually interacted with the real world, in all honesty I moved a quarter from behind a dresser in my room to the top of it, then I just kind of went back to sleep. But this time was different, I could see real colors, there was a peaceful feeling and all felt familiar just as you said, but a long corridor appeared and it had a large, steel looking set of double doors at the end. My room was very dark in the astral plane but I had a sort of night vision so to say. When the corridor appeared it just kind of pushed back away from the room and brought itself into existence. Sorry to say, I just went to back to my body when I saw that. I never really got scared or anything but I was just tired and not up for an adventure. I kind of wish I would have gone through the doors, but I didn't.

Sorry for the little bit of off topic storytelling, I'm good at that. But that was the experience I remember most clearly.

29th March 2015, 02:26 AM
... is an odd colour. For me it looks like everything is tinged blue or purple, and shadows are exaggerated. I'm just curious how many other people see it this way. When I first projected it scared the crap out of me because it seemed like I was in some crazy dark alternate universe! Though some worlds are 'different' colors, the RTZ shouldn't be. More energy will fix/improve/clarify your sensory input. If you don't know how to raise more energy, look up Robert Bruce's 'NEW' system. High energy does wonders for 'dark' places (that aren't really dark, you are just blind). It also brings in both your other normal senses and your extrasensory ones too.

OH ALSO - does anyone else think it feels really cool to stick your hand through a wall and just FEEL it's energy? Technically its you that is energy when OBE.

My last OBE I went around "feeling" things before I had a scare and shot back to my body... Heehee. This is getting so exciting for me. :) You are dong very well, keep it up you'll be an old pro in no time!!

29th March 2015, 02:53 AM
Though some worlds are 'different' colors, the RTZ shouldn't be. More energy will fix/improve/clarify your sensory input. If you don't know how to raise more energy, look up Robert Bruce's 'NEW' system. High energy does wonders for 'dark' places (that aren't really dark, you are just blind). It also brings in both your other normal senses and your extrasensory ones too.
Technically its you that is energy when OBE.
You are dong very well, keep it up you'll be an old pro in no time!!

The very first time I projected, everything was tinged blue (like it has been every time now) but as soon as I left my room everything goes back to "normal" colouring. I should also note that things aren't "DIFFERENT COLOURS", they're just all slightly tinted blue or purple.... Almost like there's a transparent lens over my face right when I first exit, and it only occurs around my body, which is interesting. And things aren't especially "dark", it's just that shadows being cast from things are slightly exaggerated, so that stuff looks weird. But that too fixes itself once I leave my room. :)

And yes, I know it is US that is energy when projecting, but it still FEELS very interesting to go through things. Almost like I'm feeling the vibrations of matter... Y'know?

Thanks for responding :)))! Xo.

29th March 2015, 02:55 AM
PJL, that sounds really cool that you were able to affect the physical :) congratulations. I hope one day to be able to do similar things... Thanks for responding! Xo