View Full Version : A Book I Recommend: Magickal Protection by Damon Brand

24th March 2015, 06:26 AM
I'm putting this in this forum rather than the books forum because it pertains directly to protection.


Available in digital format and in paperback.

I've had some dealings with the author and have found him to be forthright and generally very pleasant. No bad vibes whatsoever. If I knew him better, I'd say I like him, but I can say I like what I've experienced of him, and he strikes me as honest and clear-headed.

The writing is also honest and clear-headed.

The reason I'm making this recommendation is because I've had rather amazing results with it. I've never felt so protected and so calm. It's like I've got an aura of protection around me. So far I've only used a general banishment ritual (very straightforward to do; I'm NOT a fan of complicated rituals) which makes use of angels, and a longer, slightly more complex master protection ritual which, again, calls on angels, but that process is a longer one, involving doing the ritual over a course of several weeks (it's still very straightforward, though, nothing complicated about it at all).

Anyway, I thought I'd leave this out there in case people want to check it out. It's definitely impressed me, and I do NOT impress easily. ;)

24th March 2015, 10:06 AM
Can you say sth about his other books I see on Amazon, have you read them too and tried out the practice?

24th March 2015, 01:33 PM
I've read the one about power words, which is interesting. I haven't had a lot in the way of results from that, but the ones I chose to test ("make your money go farther" for example) are hard to quantify. I also have a copy of Magickal Cash Book, which is interesting (haven't made the book up or tried the ritual, which does seem pretty straightforward as these things go). I'm not actually the biggest fan of ritual magick, to be honest, but I do very much like the protection/banishing rituals. Once you learn the basic one, it's very easy to do, and can be done whenever you like (no turning around or spinning or chanting or anything like some banishing rituals).

If you want to know more about him, he's active on the Gallery of Magick Facebook page. You can see the comments people make there and how he responds to them to get a feel for his style.

25th March 2015, 07:27 PM
I quit my job now which I had for half a year. (It was terribly and I'm actually happy to be out). But I need a new one for at least 2-3 months before I try to start my 'enterprise'. That's why I was thinking about that job manifestation book for starters as it would come in handy now.

I saw it is short and cheap so I invested the money now (3 euros for me). Haven't read it yet entirely but skimmed it. What disturbs me a little is that the spells are not translated, if I say sth in arabic, hebrew or latin or whatever I would like to know "what" I am saying to that entity/angel. Feels a bit awkward to me to speak the syllables/words without knowing their content.

Btw It's this book here: http://www.amazon.de/The-Magickal-Job-Seeker-Attract-ebook/dp/B00NAXRJU8/

25th March 2015, 08:38 PM
Sinera, if your just looking for a job for a few months, as this is the spring/ summer season ahead have you thought of just knocking doors asking to do any gardening work? Plenty of old people need their gardens attended to , but not just the elderly. This is the time of year there should be plenty of work. I knew a young lad who knocked on my door offering to wash my car, power hose the driveway, do gardening work ( he was at college and looking to fund this). He now has his own successful business doing the same with a company van with tools and employs someone else.
I realise many people reading this may be laughing at the thought of this suggestion, specially if gifted in an academic profession.
but if you just need it for a short while it should cause you no stress, bring you in money, keep you close to nature, be around people who are grateful for your service.

26th March 2015, 05:09 AM
It's Hebrew, just so you know. Most of the talismans they use are in Hebrew (presumably, the group has a background in Kaballah). He does actually address (on his website, I think, but it might have been the FB page) why they don't include the information on what it all means. Apparently, it makes the books too long and the vast majority of people don't care and don't want to know, so they just give the rituals and leave you to it.

26th March 2015, 10:14 AM
Sinera, if your just looking for a job for a few months, as this is the spring/ summer season ahead have you thought of just knocking doors asking to do any gardening work? Plenty of old people need their gardens attended to , but not just the elderly. This is the time of year there should be plenty of work. I knew a young lad who knocked on my door offering to wash my car, power hose the driveway, do gardening work ( he was at college and looking to fund this). He now has his own successful business doing the same with a company van with tools and employs someone else.
I realise many people reading this may be laughing at the thought of this suggestion, specially if gifted in an academic profession.
but if you just need it for a short while it should cause you no stress, bring you in money, keep you close to nature, be around people who are grateful for your service.
Thank you, Susan, the problem is that I have two left hands regarding all kinds of manual work and no experience at all in gardening (I like to enjoy gardens and nature, but not to work in it ;) ). If I was better at it I would maybe consider this.

It's Hebrew, just so you know. Most of the talismans they use are in Hebrew (presumably, the group has a background in Kaballah). He does actually address (on his website, I think, but it might have been the FB page) why they don't include the information on what it all means. Apparently, it makes the books too long and the vast majority of people don't care and don't want to know, so they just give the rituals and leave you to it.

Thanks (although one spell is in Latin, sth with Deus or dios (god)). I will take a look at the FB page or website again, there's an FAQ too iirc.

26th March 2015, 12:37 PM
Thanks (although one spell is in Latin, sth with Deus or dios (god)). I will take a look at the FB page or website again, there's an FAQ too iirc.
Ah, I must not have that book. I'd recognise Latin if I saw it, for sure. ;)

31st March 2015, 08:07 PM
I purchased an ebook copy when you posted this thread and I've given some of the rituals a shot. I don't really use magic but I thought that it would be worth the money to see what happens.

The book is interesting. It uses diagrams with Hebrew text that are used to contact higher dimensional entities used to help with protection and banishing. I get the feeling that the book's method comes from some form of Kabalistic magick. It's given me noticeable effects over the period of time that I've been using it. Here's what I think about the first two rituals.

The sword banishing ritual is fast and easy to conduct. I find it to be effective for what it is. The four entities that you call on basically force entities to leave immediately but in a very neutral "party's over, you don't have to go home but you can't stay here" kind of way.

The Master protection ritual is more intense, at least for me, in that it has caused kryias (physical movement from energetic sensations) to some extent during the process. The ritual instructs you to call upon entities one at a time and ask for a quality that they're able to provide and you pay them in gratitude. Personally, each step felt of being channeled and having a program-like energy run through my body during a spontaneous mild trance. Each step ended with an obvious "it is done" feeling or movement and returning to normal feelings all of a sudden.

Both rituals seem to work as advertised, with positive outcome, and I've noticed a difference in my dreams and energetic feelings following their use. I'd say that the book is well written and easy to follow, it has produced more than I was expecting and it was reasonable in price and scope.

Thanks for the recommendation!
- Malathion.

1st April 2015, 05:39 AM
I don't really use magic but I thought that it would be worth the money to see what happens.
That's how I felt about it, too. I'm definitely not big on ritual magick at all.

The four entities you call on basically force entities to leave immediately but in a very neutral "party's over, you don't have to go home but you can't stay here" kind of way.
:D What a great description. :)

The Master protection ritual is more intense, at least for me, in that it has caused kryias (physical movement from energetic sensations) to some extent during the process. The ritual instructs you to call upon entities one at a time and ask for a quality that they're able to provide and you pay them in gratitude. Personally, each step felt of being channeled and having a program-like energy run through my body during a spontaneous mild trance. Each step ended with an obvious "it is done" feeling or movement and returning to normal feelings all of a sudden.
Actually, I had that same reaction. Lots of what I tend to think of as "energetic excitement" (because I can't think of a better way to describe it).

Thanks for the recommendation!
You're welcome. I'm glad it worked for you. :)

30th May 2015, 11:00 AM
Just wanted to say that if someone stumbles upon Hebrew in books I can probably help with the translation :-) it should be fun. Feel free to ask.

9th December 2015, 04:22 AM
I also recommend Damon Brand's books. I also recommend Zanna Blaise (she's also a member of the GoM) and she's released a very good book called The 72 Sigils of Power: Magic, Insight, Wisdom and Change, which comes in handy for all kinds of things. The rituals contained in this book can be used in combination with the rituals in Damon's angelic books, which Damon has written an article about: http://galleryofmagick.com/2015/10/23/advanced-angel-magick/. Zanna's rituals also work well on their own, or in combination with any other magick you use.

I have the magickal protection book, and have used some of the rituals in it with success. For example there is a ritual to stop parasites from draining you of energy. I performed this because my energy was being regularly stolen to the point where it was making me feel ill. This ritual put a stop to that, but it does need to be repeated every so often. The master ritual and the curse cancellation also gave me relief. I've also used various rituals with his magickal angels books and they also helped. One in particular evoked Mitzrael and he removed a particularly nasty neg who had been sexually violating me for years, and he still protects me from that neg. He typically works well for removing people and negs who are oppressive in nature i.e. control freaks, bullies, etc (naturally, the majority of negs fall into this category).

The important thing to remember when using magick, is that it's not a case of you piggy-backing onto the angel's energy to get something done, but the angel must piggy-back on your energy because it is you who has to "steer the ship" so to speak, with your desire/intention and mundane action. Otherwise the magick will either fail or give unexpected or unwanted results.

It's best to read Damon's articles on his website and read the instructions in his books carefully. He gives a lot of information about how to get the magick to work for you.