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17th March 2015, 03:21 PM
I think I might have just had an OBE/astral projection but I'm not 100% sure

Here's everything that happened
Today my friend woke me up from a dream, with a text. So I laid there texting her for a bit, then after that I started playing Sudoku on my phone for a few mins, then I put my phone on my nightstand.

While laying there in bed (I was laying on my left side), I started chanting an affirmation in my head. During this "chant" I started feeling waves of sleepiness, so I thought "cool I can try astral projecting again". By the way, I haven't managed to astral project yet in my previous attempts and I always fell asleep before I felt any of the symptoms you mention.

So I turned to lay on my back and I see in the center of my vision an 8bit wormhole forming like I'm going into hyperspace (my eyelids are closed the whole time). I say 8bit because there are parts of it that look pixelated like I am playing an old video game. I visualize myself going through it and I get the distinct feeling that I have come out through the other side. I'm laying there in bed and it doesn't seem like anything happened, so I turn to lay on my right side and I see the wormhole again in the center of my vision. I tried to lay on my back again and that's where things start getting strange.

During the beginning of this "event" I'm not really sure what I was doing but I ended up walking into my bathroom. I was looking downward like I usually do because the lights are bright. Then I start looking at the sink and it didn't look normal. Everything seemed out of place, then I became alert and told myself to do a reality check. I was about to press on the sink with my hands but I looked at myself in the mirror instead. I looked really strange like I was a bad painting, but i looked younger and I was wearing blue jeans with a white shirt that was tucked in and I had a belt. Also there were anomalies in certain spots of my body that kind of looked like they were turning into mist and drifting off.

This is all happening really quick by the way, because there's this horror sound that started playing in the background when I decided to look at myself in the mirror and the atmosphere became very tense. So I turn to look in the direction of my body because I wanted to look at myself laying there, but when I turned in that direction everything just got sucked back into my body. Like when a spaceship gets depressurized.

I'm back in my body waking up. My eyes are still closed and I see the silhouette of what looked like the bottom half of a large butterfly or moth flying out of my field of vision over my forehead towards the direction the crown of my head is pointing. It looked like it had two little pincers at the end of its tail, assuming its head was pointing in the direction it was moving. After that I just felt the numbness wearing off and I had a mild tinnitus that faded away after a few mins. Was this an astral projection? Keep in mind that I didn't feel any symptoms. Also what was that "butterfly" thing, and what is that wormhole that I keep seeing? I was kinda relieved to see the wormhole again since it stopped showing up for a while and it always seemed interesting to me but every time I tried going through it in the past, I would crash into the "walls" and it would disappear.

21st April 2016, 02:42 PM
I did not know that it happens. that's cool111