View Full Version : have only 30seconds too 60 seconds to astral project

16th March 2015, 10:10 PM
I don't know why it is the way it is but every time I astral project I have a very limitied time before waking up. I don't understand why it is the way it is but is the way it is. I never can obe because my body wakes me up from that astral projection state.

I can never obe because I fail every astral projection because i don't have enough time to astral project because I keep waking up

16th March 2015, 11:54 PM

Maybe explain us how are ur obe or tell us one of ur obes in detail so we can see the mistake if there are any. one possibility would be that u dont raise and storwge enough energy with the new system

Whis u all the best

17th March 2015, 01:47 AM
it could be becuase I am on psychiatric medication not sure. Don't know...

I have noticed when I astral project part of my limbs are stuck in my body. And I am partially free from projectiong. I felt trapped in my body somehow. Like knots of stiff not relaxed muscle. Muscle that has not let go of the astral body. So I can partially astral project. This has always been the case ranging from 100-200 projections(estimated) Never have had a proper actual projection.

I forget to do awareness bounces what robert bruce calls loosing of the astral body by bouncing awareness on the walls in that projection state.

17th March 2015, 04:21 AM
I dont knownabout the interaction with medications..

But the rest sounds as if u dont relax your mussels enough. Try to make the deep relaxation technique

17th March 2015, 02:18 PM
L.o.n., are your projections spontaneous or induced?

17th March 2015, 04:56 PM
it could be becuase I am on psychiatric medication not sure. Don't know...

I have noticed when I astral project part of my limbs are stuck in my body. And I am partially free from projectiong. I felt trapped in my body somehow. Like knots of stiff not relaxed muscle. Muscle that has not let go of the astral body. So I can partially astral project. This has always been the case ranging from 100-200 projections(estimated) Never have had a proper actual projection.

Perhaps if you're sort of trapped- it's because you still have worries in the physical which are holding you back. I would advice using Monroe's "Energy Conversion Box"- "Create in your mind a "box,” a part of your personal space that, for the duration of any exercise, can be filled with all your worries and concerns, and then can be set aside, leaving you free and unencumbered. Create it in your mind, even if you don’t see, hear, or feel it. Make it really yours, so it will work with you by giving you the space to detach yourself from whatever is holding you back." Do it before going OOB.
Sometimes it just works like magic for me.

17th March 2015, 09:30 PM
hummm? I dont know perhaps you are focusing on your body leaving too much....you know. Most people associate themselves with their body, when ofcourse it is only a casing of sorts, your astral body is really only a mental creation...associating it with your real physical body may jam things up?? on second thought that sounds stupid nevermind...

18th March 2015, 12:02 AM
CFT spontenous

18th March 2015, 12:05 AM
It might be a bad habbit of focusing partially on the physical body which eventually pulls you back in. It might be a psycological disorder by focusing on the physical body every time in that obe state

I think the easiest way is basically converting a lucid dream into a concious obe

18th March 2015, 12:13 AM
dontco (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/member.php?18193-dontco) I think it might be something else (psycological issues)

18th March 2015, 01:04 AM
I think the issue is my astral body is to near to my physical body. So the awareness is in the same place nearly and so I focus on my physical body and it reels me in and wakes me up.

Note it could be something else just a theory

18th March 2015, 01:06 AM
The mystery is why is my astral body stiched to some ares of my physical body. there prematurely astral project because there is knots and some places I can't exit

18th March 2015, 11:45 AM
Normaly tha means you not relaxet enough or u have fear of a full exit and holding u half back

18th March 2015, 04:44 PM
My inexpert opinion is that when you start feeling the exit is coming (spontaneously) you're tensing up with excitement. Instead of thinking of the body parts that are still connected, start thinking of something you have done, like swimming or jumping, and mentally recreate the feeling. This might help you separate, but more important than anything else, it will make you stop thinking of your body and re-focus your mind towards what you are doing, not feeling.

26th March 2015, 07:50 AM
I've been on various medications of that nature and I can tell you that I remember less dreams when on MOST medications. It depends though. Maybe you are being cheated of REM sleep and thus have no energy to project? Just a thought - I'm not an expert on AP (just started!) but I do have experience with medications. It could be a combination of things.