View Full Version : Higher Dimensional Chakras (out-of/above body)?

11th March 2015, 04:16 PM
From your vast experience and explorations of chakras and the energy body, is there something to this following theory? (I read AD a few years ago, but I forgot if you wrote sth about it there or elsewhere).

First, many esoteric theories postulate a "soul star chakra" as 8th one a few inches or a metre above the head / crown chakra. (And I remember there's also an Earth chakra below the 1st one).

Can you confirm it?

And then there's a more elaborate theory out there which postulates higher dimensional chakras to be in existence for every of the first set of main chakras 1-7. And they correspond. So this would mean:

1-7 (3rd dimension) --> 9-15 (4th dim.) --> 16-22 (5th dim.)
(no chakra corresponds to the 8. though...)

And you could even reconnect to or even 'download' them into your body for more paranormal abilities and power, e.g. connect the 1st chakra with the corresponding 9. of the 4th dimension (or even 16th of the 5. dim.), the 2nd with the 10th (17th) and so on...

This schematic illustrates it:


Is there anything to it and have you found / explored any "higher" chakras?

an idea .... could the sets of chakras relate do the different bodies (physical, etheric, astral, mental...)
