View Full Version : Question on pulsing chakras and what happens when all body chakras pulse?

7th March 2015, 07:42 AM
Hello, this is a question for Robert.

The other day I was in meditation and I began working with my energy inside and surrounding my body. I began to strobe or pulse my heart chakra and got it going full blast. The sensation was like a band of energy radiating all the way through my body at the heart chakra location and a second chakra at the back of my body also opened up and began to continue and keep the pulsing going back and forth through this part of my body. The sensation was very powerful and it felt like I was being cooked from inside as the energy band was very warm, like white hot lightning going through the center of my body at the heart chakra location.

I was able to do the same for the bottom, red color, chakra as well as the orange or maybe it was the yellow chakra. I had three going and I stopped at that point as I did not know what would happen if I opened the rest of them to this experience. I felt as if my clothing was going to combust it was very warm. Afterward I checked my shirt with my fingers and there was a considerable warmth as if you had pulled it from the clothes dryer just as it quit. My body tends to get very warm when I work with my energy.

Question: What happens when you pulse all your chakras? Would I spontaneously have an OBE? What are the common experiences that you know of when one does this? I have not had this experience yet, sort of afraid or maybe have to do it outside so I don't melt.. I get really hot when I work with energy.

Are there new abilities or activation's that would occur?

The energy disappated on it's own over a short period of time, I did not actually do anything to stop the pulsing I just let it run the coarse and it stopped on it's own. I guess when you stop focusing on those energy paths they just go back to normal on their own.

Second Question: For the last 3 or 4 years I have had a very HIGH energy type of non-stop buzzing in my ears that I know is from energy but it is a constant level that does not go away. It is not tinitus or anything like that but it is definitely energy related. It is in both ears, not one side or the other is louder both same level. When I was young I would experience this when I yawned too big and I would see stars and have a tunnel vision type of thing and my ears would have this really high buzzing. That was only type of experience I know how to explain what I am experiencing with this energy sound.. It is like a microphone that has too much gain or boost and it is overly sensitive and you have that background noise.. It is like that.

Do you know of any way to release or expel this built up energy that is throwing my ears out of whack?



Robert Bruce
8th March 2015, 07:23 AM
Any or all psychic abilities and phenomena could be released with extreme chakra activity. This could also result in an OBE if conditions where right, or in Kundalini raising.

Grounding techniques, like dumping your energy into the planet, should help reduce energy activity.

Electrical grounding during sleep would also help with this. There are products you can buy for this, earthed bed sheets, etc.

Remember 'the golden rule' and take a break and focus on grounding and real life activities if things get too strong.
