View Full Version : Fully Charged

5th March 2015, 01:57 AM
How much energy raising does it take to be "fully charged"?

For example I understand that when you astral project, you use up a lot of the energy you raised throughout the day. Is it as simple as "re-charging" by raising energy for a few minutes after waking?

Also, is the astral energy we're raising used up by other physical bodily functions like digestion or does it stay in reserve until we decide to use it for astral projecting?

5th March 2015, 01:47 PM
How much energy raising does it take to be "fully charged"? It depends on your capacity to store it. That's why we work the energy body, the more you move it, the more capacity you get. But there in no 'one' answer to this question, everyone starts out with different situations, blockages, issues, etc.

For example I understand that when you astral project, you use up a lot of the energy you raised throughout the day. Is it as simple as "re-charging" by raising energy for a few minutes after waking? Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. There are environmental factors, physical factors, even emotional factors. Some days are just better than others.

Also, is the astral energy we're raising used up by other physical bodily functions like digestion or does it stay in reserve until we decide to use it for astral projecting? It depends who you ask. I believe energy is the capacity to do work, and its nature is the same, although it may take different forms for which it's used. Some people believe that digestion can use up energy that can be used for projecting, and sex too- I suppose from a technical standpoint it can be true, but we take in energy all the time. For me, lack of sleep is the most impactful factor than any other, but your experience might vary.

5th March 2015, 02:20 PM
It depends on your capacity to store it. That's why we work the energy body, the more you move it, the more capacity you get. But there in no 'one' answer to this question, everyone starts out with different situations, blockages, issues, etc.

Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. There are environmental factors, physical factors, even emotional factors. Some days are just better than others.

It depends who you ask. I believe energy is the capacity to do work, and its nature is the same, although it may take different forms for which it's used. Some people believe that digestion can use up energy that can be used for projecting, and sex too- I suppose from a technical standpoint it can be true, but we take in energy all the time. For me, lack of sleep is the most impactful factor than any other, but your experience might vary.

That's the answer I thought you would give. Makes sense, I suppose! Lack of sleep and what I eat is probably the biggest for me too.

8th March 2015, 05:16 AM
I was wondering this too. I've been doing energy work (actually my solar plexus is kinda burning right now while I'm typing this)
and I've been noticing that I feel tired the next day. Is doing energy work actually spending the energy you have stored up? From the way I see it being described, it's like working out my physical body. I spend energy but later one when I'm rested I feel stronger.

Also will physically working out increase the strength of your energy body as well?

8th March 2015, 06:35 AM
Its a interesring topic.

I think ur full when ur storage center goes to the next storage center and then u feel kind of full or filled upin both storage centers. If never tried longer thought...

About working out your physical body. I think it helps with all kind of spiritual development to train your physical body to a certend degree
I dont think u should be body building but you should make a short training every day. I make everyday then15 exercise of dan millman in a modified way plus 4 yoga movements plus 2 strength exercises to keep my physical body or the temple of spiritual being aka soul well maintaind strong flexible and healthy.

I do it now for more then 1 year daily and feel that my conzentration has increased cause of it. also cause of the training i learnt to control mybody and to let him relax so that physical relaxation is very easy for me. Also i apply the quit your mind exercise whike indo my daily training.

I think it helps to keep harmony

Hope i could help
All the best

8th March 2015, 09:07 PM
I was wondering this too. I've been doing energy work (actually my solar plexus is kinda burning right now while I'm typing this)
and I've been noticing that I feel tired the next day. Is doing energy work actually spending the energy you have stored up? From the way I see it being described, it's like working out my physical body. I spend energy but later one when I'm rested I feel stronger. I liken it to having a glass of chocolate milk that hasn't been picked up in a while; all the chocolate on the bottom, the milk on the top, and in the middle there's that sugary-creamy shmutz that collects on the top if it sits there long enough. If you shake it, there's an initial expenditure of energy, but now it's all nicely mixed up, and it flows easier. Something like that.

Also will physically working out increase the strength of your energy body as well? I believe it does if you do it with deliberate intention, moving the energy as you flex, and raising it as you deep breathe and stretch.