View Full Version : Third Eye Vision - Continue Energy Work?

27th February 2015, 05:10 PM
Hello Robert (and forum)!

I've been using NEW every day. When I circulate energy, I would measure what I feel on 3 scales:

- INTENSELY on my head (crown, third eye, throat)
- MODERATELY on my feet, legs, hands, and arms
- LIGHTLY (or barely at all) anywhere else on my body

From what I've read, this is very common and I need to keep working on my lower chakras until I can start to feel them more strongly.

My question is should I also continue to meditate on my third eye chakra?

Will my third eye vision just suddenly start to work (seeing energy, spirits, etc.) if I continue circulating energy in this area on a daily basis?

Or, should I simply focus on the lower chakras and developing my energy body for a while without really focusing on my third eye and crown chakras?

I'd like to also add that my current daily routine looks like this (for approximately 1 hour per day):

- Energy raising/bouncing in feet, legs, hands, arms, and spine.
- Training to get into deep trance by doing a concentration meditation

27th February 2015, 06:57 PM
Since this is the 'ask Robert' section, other members don't get to participate until Robert has answered.

Robert Bruce
8th March 2015, 07:11 AM
It is best not to focus too much on any higher chakra, like the brow.

Do equal work on all chakras, and more on any inactive lower chakras.

The base chakra generally needs more work to become active, and this should be a priority.

The base chakra powers everything else.

To experience visions and clairvoyance, also do affirmations that this is already happening.

A concentration meditation can make it difficult to get into a deep altered state. It is best to do a mindfulness meditation, like focusing on being aware of your breathing, on the rise and fall of your belly while you breathe, or on the air passing through your nose.


30th March 2015, 01:20 AM
Thank you for your guidance Robert, I truly appreciate it. Your methods are easy, effective, and have changed my life for the better of my own evolution! I've started to get more sensations in my base chakra & coccyx since making it a priority, and even up my spine the other day.

I wanted to know if you have any specific affirmations that you recommend, and where I could find them?

Robert Bruce
20th April 2015, 11:17 PM
Affirmations should be active present tense, as if what is being manifested already exists.

For example...

'money comes to me frequently easily and generously'

'my lungs are pink and healthy'

'I love my new job at ???'

It is best to make them up as you go. I am not aware of a resource.

As for energy work, you'll notice that there is a direct relationship between 'effort' and 'sensation'.

peace, robert

Thank you for your guidance Robert, I truly appreciate it. Your methods are easy, effective, and have changed my life for the better of my own evolution! I've started to get more sensations in my base chakra & coccyx since making it a priority, and even up my spine the other day.

I wanted to know if you have any specific affirmations that you recommend, and where I could find them?