View Full Version : 1st OBE during Sleep Paralysis -Need more insight

26th February 2015, 05:42 PM
Hello this is my first post here, please care to read.

Today i was sleeping late, i needed a dose of nasal spray(my one nosril become blocked due to nasal spray addiction) i took the dose 3 times but its not working. I realised that i was dreaming and no sooner i repeated the process, but instead getting the spray, i willfully moved both hands(i knew i was in sleep paralysis) , turned my head and tried to get up (i knew what i was doing {expecting an obe experience}) and felt like a strong magnetic force attracting me towards my body but i got up against it, that moment, i got a vision, single eye vision, i looked to my body with blanket covered but it was small vision, everything was so small, my eye also felt small and my vision was limited, i was alarmed and decided not to proceed any further and tried to get inside my body by trying opening my eyes, and i woke up! my body and mouth felt different that time.


1. Was it really an OBE?
2. Will it happen only on sleep paralysis? On this read my another story:

From last year i am experimenting with my third eye by listening to 'OM' whole night during sleep. and doing meditation regularly with prana mudra(often with my favorite religious music of krishna). So, one night i was on meditation concentrating on my third eye and the song, suddenly i my whole body starting to rotate. my heart was pounding like 1000rpm bike engine, very frightened i opened my eyes, heart slowly slowed down, again closed my eyes and again heart was speeding up. Then i gave up.

From the last month, i feel warmth and very mild light on my third eye when on meditation.

Take as reference: I occasionally did kundalini meditation(concentrating on the chakras, now i can feel each chakra by concentrating five minutes on them, top of it my third eye chakra, i can feel it vibrating whenever i like). A time came when i felt uncomfortable, like someone is feathering my on my stomach or like gas movements of which i can control the movement directions.

3. Should i advance in astral projection? My mother always warns not to do anything without a master as i mistakenly die by death meditation( which was practised my rishis to induce death ).

4. Can evil spirits take control over my body during projection?
5. Could i be breathing normally while my soul out of body?

6. What should i do if i feel difficulties returning to my body..
the list goes on,

7. Should i proceed with kundalini meditation (i heard that if you are not prepared for kundalini awakening and raise it, you'll become mad. (i learned from this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDZCtfPlyFU)

Though i am more interested in astral projection.

8. If i successfully learn the art of astral projection, could i be able to fly like superman and go anywhere? :angelic:

Please advice. Thanks for ur time reading!

26th February 2015, 06:27 PM
Hello this is my first post here, please care to read.

Today i was sleeping late, i needed a dose of nasal spray(my one nosril become blocked due to nasal spray addiction) i took the dose 3 times but its not working. I realised that i was dreaming and no sooner i repeated the process, but instead getting the spray, i willfully moved both hands(i knew i was in sleep paralysis) , turned my head and tried to get up (i knew what i was doing {expecting an obe experience}) and felt like a strong magnetic force attracting me towards my body but i got up against it, that moment, i got a vision, single eye vision, i looked to my body with blanket covered but it was small vision, everything was so small, my eye also felt small and my vision was limited, i was alarmed and decided not to proceed any further and tried to get inside my body by trying opening my eyes, and i woke up! my body and mouth felt different that time. Hi Subrata. I would start by recommending that you switch to saline nasal spray and taper off the nasal spray solution to solve that provlem. But on to your questions.


1. Was it really an OBE? Yes, it was a short projection.

2. Will it happen only on sleep paralysis? No, but you have to reach a deep level of trance, such as when you no longer feel your body. Some people mistake this for sleep paralysis, except you are not really paralyzed, it just feels like you are because you can't feel your body. When you feel a certain group of symptoms you'll know it's time to try to separate from your body.

From last year i am experimenting with my third eye by listening to 'OM' whole night during sleep. and doing meditation regularly with prana mudra(often with my favorite religious music of krishna). So, one night i was on meditation concentrating on my third eye and the song, suddenly i my whole body starting to rotate. my heart was pounding like 1000rpm bike engine, very frightened i opened my eyes, heart slowly slowed down, again closed my eyes and again heart was speeding up. Then i gave up.
You actually projected-in place- but did not separate from your body. For that you often need some sort of exit technique. We have stickied threads listed about them.

From the last month, i feel warmth and very mild light on my third eye when on meditation. More than likely it's very active. I hope that when you do energy work, you are addressing all your chakras, not just the higher ones.

Take as reference: I occasionally did kundalini meditation(concentrating on the chakras, now i can feel each chakra by concentrating five minutes on them, top of it my third eye chakra, i can feel it vibrating whenever i like). A time came when i felt uncomfortable, like someone is feathering my on my stomach or like gas movements of which i can control the movement directions.
That is wonderful. If the sensations are uncomfortable you can add other type of energy work to facilitate whole-energy body flow, if you want to. If not that's fine too.

3. Should i advance in astral projection? My mother always warns not to do anything without a master as i mistakenly die by death meditation( which was practised my rishis to induce death ).
I believe for a death meditation to work you'd have to have that intention, we've been practicing this for years, and no problems of that sort. I think that you might want to re-think your concept of projection, but that is another thread.

4. Can evil spirits take control over my body during projection? No. You do not 'leave' your body 'empty' during astral projection, you expand your energy out and effectively bilocate, moving your consciousness to the 'externalized' portion of the energy body. Projection happens naturally when we sleep, and we don't become possessed then.

5. Could i be breathing normally while my soul out of body?
The term 'soul' is religiously based and is defined differently by different religions. I prefer to think of an energy body or a mental (consciousness) body. But to me soul is something different, more encompassing.

6. What should i do if i feel difficulties returning to my body..
the list goes on,
If you stay 'out' for a long time there may be some initial extra time reintegrating, but this is rare. Usually it happens when your body goes into a deep sleep, and it's then more difficult to take control of it even though you are 'in' it. If you fear this could be a problem arrange to have someone wake you up after more than two hours. But usually your body will wake up before that, due to noises in the environment (such as the phone) or even set an alarm. Like I said, this is not common.

7. Should i proceed with kundalini meditation (i heard that if you are not prepared for kundalini awakening and raise it, you'll become mad. (i learned from this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDZCtfPlyFU)
It depends on the kundalini meditation. I see kundalini work as something that helps develop your energy body and your psyche for the eventuality of a K spike, not the cause. When I'm healthy, I practice Kundalini Yoga, not because I want it to happen (heck no) but because I want to be ready if it does, and having a flowing and clear energy body + a stable mind goes a long way towards protecting it from overload due to a K raising.
But of course these are general terms, it depends on what your practice consists of.

8. If i successfully learn the art of astral projection, could i be able to fly like superman and go anywhere? :angelic:

Please advice. Thanks for ur time reading! That is a long answer. It depends on what plane or level you go to, and how you interpret what you see. But yes, you usually can fly, if you are aware that you can, and not let the habit of gravity get in your way. I've always been able to fly easily, but it's because I was doing it consciously from an early age, and was never taught 'it wasn't possible'. I just knew there were two realities, the one where I was heavy and the one where I was light like a balloon. :).

27th February 2015, 01:00 PM
Hi Subrata. I would start by recommending that you switch to saline nasal spray and taper off the nasal spray solution to solve that provlem. But on to your questions.

Yes, it was a short projection.
No, but you have to reach a deep level of trance, such as when you no longer feel your body. Some people mistake this for sleep paralysis, except you are not really paralyzed, it just feels like you are because you can't feel your body. When you feel a certain group of symptoms you'll know it's time to try to separate from your body.

You actually projected-in place- but did not separate from your body. For that you often need some sort of exit technique. We have stickied threads listed about them.
More than likely it's very active. I hope that when you do energy work, you are addressing all your chakras, not just the higher ones.

That is wonderful. If the sensations are uncomfortable you can add other type of energy work to facilitate whole-energy body flow, if you want to. If not that's fine too.

I believe for a death meditation to work you'd have to have that intention, we've been practicing this for years, and no problems of that sort. I think that you might want to re-think your concept of projection, but that is another thread.
No. You do not 'leave' your body 'empty' during astral projection, you expand your energy out and effectively bilocate, moving your consciousness to the 'externalized' portion of the energy body. Projection happens naturally when we sleep, and we don't become possessed then.
The term 'soul' is religiously based and is defined differently by different religions. I prefer to think of an energy body or a mental (consciousness) body. But to me soul is something different, more encompassing.
If you stay 'out' for a long time there may be some initial extra time reintegrating, but this is rare. Usually it happens when your body goes into a deep sleep, and it's then more difficult to take control of it even though you are 'in' it. If you fear this could be a problem arrange to have someone wake you up after more than two hours. But usually your body will wake up before that, due to noises in the environment (such as the phone) or even set an alarm. Like I said, this is not common.
It depends on the kundalini meditation. I see kundalini work as something that helps develop your energy body and your psyche for the eventuality of a K spike, not the cause. When I'm healthy, I practice Kundalini Yoga, not because I want it to happen (heck no) but because I want to be ready if it does, and having a flowing and clear energy body + a stable mind goes a long way towards protecting it from overload due to a K raising.
But of course these are general terms, it depends on what your practice consists of.

That is a long answer. It depends on what plane or level you go to, and how you interpret what you see. But yes, you usually can fly, if you are aware that you can, and not let the habit of gravity get in your way. I've always been able to fly easily, but it's because I was doing it consciously from an early age, and was never taught 'it wasn't possible'. I just knew there were two realities, the one where I was heavy and the one where I was light like a balloon. :).

Wow, thanks a lot for your time and those detailed wonderful answers!

I have few more questions,

When i meditiate very deep, i cannot feel my body slowly, but how to project from that state?
Also, this is rare because i feel sleepy from meditation and end up sleeping in bed.
I never tried meditiating without music.

27th February 2015, 01:45 PM
I would recommend not to meditate in bed, but find a very comfortable chair, so comfortable it is possible to take a short nap in it, but not so comfortable you would sleep for, say, 4 hours.
If you have no other option but to meditate in bed, use many pillows to prop yourself in a reclined position. The idea is to make a different habit of position than you would when you sleep. A 'projection' position, so to speak.
To project from trance:
This is something everyone should read- a list of all the possible symptoms you can have when you are almost ready to project. This is not a list of everything that is going to happen, but a list of things that can happen as part of the transitional process, or the stage where you are very close to an exit.


Here is a thread with a list of people's exit techniques.

If you don't find yourself projecting with exit techniques when you feel you're ready, you can try these energy body loosening techniques that help with the exit. Use one and then use an exit technique, and you will have better chances of getting out. Sometimes they work as exit techs too, so don't be surprised if you get out using one of them.


A lot of this is a matter of timing. I usually don't even try an exit technique if I'm not sure I'm in a transitional stage, and you 'learn' to tell with practice.