View Full Version : Everything About Orgone and Orgonite

26th July 2006, 01:44 AM
since some of us are into this subject, or being curious about it,
I shall start a thread and talk about it

the history of orgone starts from a guy called Dr Wilhelm Reich, going through innovation by Karl Welz and modification by Don Croft (some people think he is crazy)
orgone and its device has a wide range of variety and the scope of such subject is very wide.

I think some of this links are good starting points to know about Orgone and its devices.

Feel free to agree, disagree, experiment about, debate, be skeptical and share experience :)

The origin of Orgonomy and Dr Wilhelm Reich - absolute basics about Orgone Energy (http://www.orgonics.com/whatisor.htm#anchor119866)

a tribute to Orgonomy and Reich (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QohQVsXIJPc&search=orgone%20accumulator)

basics about orgonite - karl welz and don croft era (http://www.littlemountainsmudge.com/introtoorgonite.htm)

how passive orgonite is made (http://www.littlemountainsmudge.com/howtomakehhgs.htm)

passive? or active? (http://www.littlemountainsmudge.com/artoracorgen.htm)

Radionics - using orgone energy to manifest desire (http://www.psychic101.com/radionics.html)

I hope these links help us to know more about orgone, at least at basic level :)

enjoy :)

26th July 2006, 03:12 AM
Cool! Thanks. :lol:

26th July 2006, 02:09 PM
I've been doing alot of reading up on Wilhelm Reich and his theories.

Of most particular interest to me, is Orgone Therapy.


This is another site which might be good to read through as well.


26th July 2006, 02:22 PM
yeah I usually use orgone device to charge my energy body or for healing, putting up shield etc.

anyways I think I should include this link for educational purpose.
it is about how active orgonite is excited to emit chi output
I know it is not nice to put a commercial website for this purpose but so far that is the best page I can find. I learn a lot from that page :)


4th August 2009, 10:12 AM
Folks, Orgonite is phantastic.

Orgonite has been proven in independant controlled experimentes to increase plant yield about 2-3 times, aswell in some cases the plant height and growth speed and allow non-indigenous plants to grow where attempts on planting them had failed before. I've been carrying an Orgonite towerbuster (1-3$ each unit) in my pocket ever since I've found out about it and i've never felt so energized.

Here's a scanned article from the UK magazine Fortean Times


Palehorse Redivivus
23rd September 2009, 11:39 PM
Just wanted to chime in here. About a year ago I had mentioned in an article that I'd heard orgonite was useful for psychic self defense purposes, but hadn't gotten around to experimenting with it myself. As of yesterday, someone sent us a bunch of nifty pieces to play with. :D

After just a day, I can vouch for the fact that this stuff has some very positive energetic effects. If I put one of the pieces on a chakra, the effect is very noticeable... and my chakras are definitely likin' it. My base chakra has been a bit wonky for a few days, and yesterday I actually had one of the pieces semi sitting on it as I worked, lol... it did a pretty good job of lifting up and smoothing things out, which would normally take a lot more effort on my part. Having these things around I'm actually feeling mild symptoms as I do when I'm clearing or otherwise doing a lot of processing, and I can feel a boost to the volume of energy that's circulating trhough me.

So, it gets the three thumbs up, and I'm looking forward to seeing what else I can do with it.

24th September 2009, 03:46 AM
My base chakra has been a bit wonky for a few days, and yesterday I actually had one of the pieces semi sitting on it as I worked, lol...
Somewhat off topic, but I wish I hadn't tried to visualise that. :shock:

Palehorse Redivivus
24th September 2009, 03:54 AM
Bwahaha. I worded that weird, but I meant I was half sitting on the little dome of orgone. I have a squishy chair, so it's not nearly as painful and/or disturbing as it sounds. :P

24th September 2009, 07:26 AM
CaterpillarWoman, at least you didn't try to visualize this.

So, it gets the three thumbs up, and I'm looking forward to seeing what else I can do with it.


24th September 2009, 07:38 AM
CaterpillarWoman, at least you didn't try to visualize this.

So, it gets the three thumbs up, and I'm looking forward to seeing what else I can do with it.

:) :D :lol:

Palehorse Redivivus
24th September 2009, 02:24 PM
I really can't win, can I? *just stops saying things*
