View Full Version : ¿A Reality Shift can be used in order to heal us from an emotional pain?

18th February 2015, 05:15 PM
Dear Sir...

Let's assume I'm planning about to kill someone done some reasons.

Of course noperson wants to kill another person with a 100% of cruel certitude, but many times there exists a set of reasons (of effectively kill him) that overimposes to reasons of to forgive him.

Then, always there is a Percentaje of Desire Oriented to Effectively Kill (let's call it: "PDOEK") and another porcentaje (= 100% - PDOEK) oriented to not to kill him.

Let's assume the critical time comes and I kill him.

Simultaneously a different timeline opens, related with the remaining porcentaje wich is compatible with survival of him.

If me at paralel timeline regrets to not had had the courage needed to kill him and me in this timeline regrets about having killed him, ¿can me and my parallel me, being specular copies the one from the another, to decide change simultaneously of timeline; obtaining (me) alleviation from emotional pain of having killed him and (my parallel me) satisfaction of having killed him?

My best regards,

Robert Bruce
23rd February 2015, 01:43 AM
In answer to this, I recommend Loving kindness meditation


This is a much better way to change reality, by becoming the change you want to see and projecting this to the world around you.

In this way, you can overcome and grow from the feelings you express in this post.
