View Full Version : Seeing energy and seeing eyes

18th February 2015, 04:46 AM
After I do some energy work I will close my eyelids and "look" at myself. I'll go into a dark room(my bathroom) to do this, to minimize the chance of a shadow. I can faintly see myself. My body is slightly darker than the "surroundings" but I don't see any details like my fingers. In my bathroom there is a cupboard and I would move the door back and fourth. I can faintly see what must be the energy of the door. It looks just like the door in the sense that it is a rectangular prism and when it's moving on its hinges I can see the shape "changing" with respect to me due to my perspective (as it would be with my normal sight).

Also I see eyes looking at me when I close my eyes. That's happened to me as long as I could remember but I never really thought much of it because I just assumed it was something like seeing sunspots. Although now that I think about it, I should only see a circle and not the details of an eye with eyebrows and eye sockets. Also if I were to describe the eyes I see, I would say they are anime eyes. If you watch Japanese anime you know what I'm talking about. There is one set that is always right in front of my face looking right into my eyes. The eyes are in the shape of those right triangles you see in math problems. With the iris halfway exposed along the hypotenuse of the triangles. It basically looks like angry/serious eyes, or maybe evil eyes, but in a cartoon sense and not scary. Sometimes I see more human looking anime eyes with a little more detail but not always directly facing me. Sometimes they are at an angle but still looking at me.

Today I started seeing what looked like blue glowing dots.

So I'm wondering, will I be able to see energy in more detail or will it always be kinda nebulous? Also do the eyes mean anything? I don't really notice them after a certain point or maybe I just don't really think about it because they were always there.

18th February 2015, 06:57 AM
Back when I first started doing energy work, I would see eyes looking back at me in my mind's eye. I don't know exactly what it means. I've also gotten the blue dots; for me, they appear, often suddenly, before fading out. Sometimes they occur in clusters.

I've been working on clairvoyance for almost six months now through affirmations and passive energy work, and the clarity of the things I see has improved. Sometimes they appear like cartoons, sometimes white wispy forms. They can be movies or still images. I'd say that if you work on developing this ability through affirmations, the detail of the images will improve.

18th February 2015, 10:12 AM
Here is an amazing story of a woman who practices Robert's NEW, she opened her third eye mostly doing just the full spinal column bounce exercise, unfortunately she didn't say here how long did she do it before she's got her first result.

I'm Experiencing Purple Strobing And Auric Vision
http://www.astraldynamics.com/img/raisingkundalini/shriya_gupta.pngBy Shriya Gupta | Verified Real

Hey Robert, the purple strobing started one afternoon when I was preparing dinner for my family. I had gotten into the habit of performing your full spinal column bounce technique while cooking, because it's my only free time. I recall going through one cycle of energy movement, when suddenly a very bright "flash" of clear light blinded me for half a second. I now know from you this is called a Third Eye strobe. When my vision returned, everything in my kitchen bathed in liquid purple energy. Not only that, I could see multiple layers of auric energy around everything from my potted plants, to my cat, to the vegetables on my cutting board. I screamed in shock, realizing I'd awakened my auric vision, which lasted the entire weekend. It gently faded over time, but I could revive it to full strength by performing your spinal column technique for a few minutes. The auric sight is now permanent and no longer wavers, in fact, doing the Kundalini technique you showed me actually opened my astral vision too, and I can see spirits, which was very alarming at first.

18th February 2015, 04:12 PM
@The Fifth: What kind of affirmations do you use?

I don't think I've ever seen anything like purple strobing with my open eyes. The only phenomena I see with my eyelids open is little white(or maybe black but with a white glow?) dots in places where there is a strong sunlight like when looking at the sky or if I look at a ray of sunlight. The dots "flow" around, seemingly at random. Sometimes one will shoot by faster than the others. Again, this has been happening for as long as I can remember so I never really thought much of it.

As for the flash of bright light. I remember two occasions. It wasn't what I would consider a flash of light but what I saw was like when you were watching TV and you lost your signal and the screen turned white with static. Both times I saw that i was laying in bed with my eyes closed and it was only for a split second. The first time it was like the TV with static. All white, with some kinda pattern but the pattern was blurry. The second time was more recent about a few days ago. I saw what looked like white scales, but it was a flat pattern that looked kind of like scales and not a 3d object or body. I have also seen hexagonal grids before but it was against the darkness of my closed eyes. Seeing all white, with a pattern, with my eyelids closed at night, with all the lights off is something I consider unusual.

18th February 2015, 07:10 PM
Simple ones like "I see energy" "I am clairvoyant." A big part of it for me seems to be getting over fears of seeing. When I'm doing a lot of the affirmations I'll experience a lot of "tests" at night where I'll wake up and see something forming in my room. If I remain calm and keep looking, I'll see golden little orbs flying near my ceiling. I think that as a result of affirming your desire for an ability, whatever is blocking it will come to the forefront for you to work through.

I used to be skeptical about affirmations for a lot of this stuff but I've been using them with a lot of success. The more you use them, the more effective they are. It picks up momentum because as you gain experience and success, your belief system changes and they become even more effective. Energy work + affirmations = very powerful combo for anything, I'd imagine.

19th February 2015, 07:29 PM
Yeah I'm pretty skeptical myself. It's kind of a paradox. I don't really believe in it so it's not going to work, but I have to do it anyways. If I say something enough I'll start to believe it's real but I wont be certain until I experience it myself.