View Full Version : Solar Plexus Strobing

11th February 2015, 11:08 PM
As I continue to meditate or do the trance work as its called in MAP, I have had my solar plexus chakra (forgive me if that's not the correct term) strobe twice. This last time it happened it was fairly intense. Even now, I still feel a little sick to my stomach. I have read the discomfort will pass so I'm not overly concerned.

My question is, why that Chakra? I'm not paying it any more attention than what is called for in MAP during energy work/raising. Is there some significance to that one strobing during trance work? Why not the others?

Also, now that I'm doing the excercises in a chair without a head rest I begin to see how often I try and drift off. From the reading I have done the going up and down into and out of trance is not necessarily a bad thing? That each time I go down I form a memory or path of how I got there? My question here is I guess, am I training myself to nod off? Should I be doing something different?

As always I thank you all for your input and this has been, so far, a fascinating experience.

12th February 2015, 07:40 PM
In theory energy goes where it's needed- if it strobes to me it means that it's very active already, or there is something about it you have to pay attention to.

15th February 2015, 04:02 AM
Hey Ator,

nice to hear that you are already so far in the program. Robert write that its not good to train yourself to fall asleep during trance meditations. But you don't fall asleep right you just sink and wake directly up again? That I think is quite normal... Since you are training in a state on the edge of sleep and wakefulness. Just try to make this falling away less common. Try to ad a (like suggested in the book) small discomfort more than before so you will stay aware more easily.

Try also not to sink to much into the chair and support your back with pillows so it is as straight as possible.

If nothing helps take a 20 min nap before your meditation or a cold shower.

Wish you all the best