View Full Version : step by step

25th July 2006, 07:35 PM
I tried for years to AP and I failed
I tryy to see aura as much as possible but not so successful (seeing etheric layer only)
I try to be psychic and open my 3rd eye but only pain is felt at my brow

this is really frustrating.
to make things worse some people always say AP is childs play, that hit me hard and kills motivation.

I think now the best is master the basic and patiently develop my energy body using NEW and energize my chakras, togather with other energy combo like Love saturation and 5 tibetan rites

I hope by doing so I can reach my goal successfully

for years I have tried to AP and open my 3rd eye and I hope this time my attempt is successful :)

25th July 2006, 08:20 PM
I tried for years to AP and I failed
I tryy to see aura as much as possible but not so successful (seeing etheric layer only)
I try to be psychic and open my 3rd eye but only pain is felt at my brow This is normal for many- usually pain in the brow indicates too much energy work at the brow center- try doing more grounding energy work- more base chakra (and other center) work to balance the flow.

this is really frustrating.
to make things worse some people always say AP is childs play, that hit me hard and kills motivation. I vehemently disagree. If by 'child's play' they mean that it is best to approach it with a child's lack of bias then I agree- but it is not easy if you haven't been spontaneously projecting. It is true that everyone naturally projects (they're usually asleep at the time) but to consciously project is not that easy, with a few exceptions. I have been projecting naturally (spontaneously) since I was a child (and am now almost 49) and can tell you that it's not that easy. Frankly, it sounds like someone's bragging.

I think now the best is master the basic and patiently develop my energy body using NEW and energize my chakras, togather with other energy combo like Love saturation and 5 tibetan rites I hope by doing so I can reach my goal successfully You might also want to practice lucidity and dream recall- then you'll have a 'whole package' to round your practice out.

for years I have tried to AP and open my 3rd eye and I hope this time my attempt is successful :) Well I recommend you work on all chakras, not third eye only, and practice reality checks and dream recall, as I stated above.

25th July 2006, 08:34 PM
I have compiled a bunch of links for you to look at regarding headaches (prob. more than you want to read) but anyways, something should help:
Third-Eye headaches: http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewto ... =headaches (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=3322&highlight=headaches)
http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewto ... daches#top (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2409&highlight=headaches#top)
What Robert says about it: http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewto ... =headaches (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2069&highlight=headaches)
http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewto ... =headaches (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=1149&highlight=headaches)

25th July 2006, 08:37 PM
hey thank you for the tips :)

I will add dream recall to my homework list :)

thanks a lot :)

25th July 2006, 08:39 PM
I think now the best is master the basic and patiently develop my energy body using NEW and energize my chakras, togather with other energy combo like Love saturation and 5 tibetan rites

Hi, Energy...
Try not to overload your agenda with strange procedures. My sincere advice is: practice NEW and Core Skills (as they are thorougly explained at Robert Bruce's Astral Dynamics book.

And do not despair, all comes in your time. Cultivate patience and total surrendering to experience.
That's all you need in order to success.

25th July 2006, 08:47 PM
The advice- The additional 'homework' I gave him- came from Mastering Astral Projection- Which was also written by Robert Bruce and Brian Mercer.
Although some people naturally remember their dreams, making the reentry recall easier (and thus the experience remembered) some sleep so deeply that they don't even believe they dreamed (my husband used to be one of these.) So dream recall is a must for these people if they want to remember their projections.


25th July 2006, 08:51 PM
Thank you angel :)
I got the AD book so I think I can manage AP this time :)
I am doing blanking my thoughts exercise as well and soon I can go further to concentratgion exercise :)

25th July 2006, 08:53 PM
The advice- The additional 'homework' I gave him- came from Mastering Astral Projection- Which was also written by Robert Bruce and Brian Mercer.
Although some people naturally remember their dreams, making the reentry recall easier (and thus the experience remembered) some sleep so deeply that they don't even believe they dreamed (my husband used to be one of these.) So dream recall is a must for these people if they want to remember their projections.


from my experience energy work does help a lot in dream recall.

my friend advised me to try to put a chi generator under my pillow and I find that I can recall dreams easily.

I will practise both energy work and dream recall togather. I cant wait to recall my astral GF :)

25th July 2006, 09:55 PM
Dear Energy...
Forum thread subject cannot be more opportune: "Step-by-Step".

In order to assure stepping I advice to you about do not change routines so abruptly. Train yourself in being more patient. Take a breath of a few days. Forget your failed attempts, practice NEW and program your PC in order to after 10 days from today, remember to you about reinitializing AP attempts.

At ending of your post you says: "I cant wait to recall my astral GF". Very bad thing not to wait. It is synonim of no patience at all.

Follow my advice, Energy, and you'll succeed. Do not follow, and you`ll crash...

Apologize my harsh way of to lead you, but is reality of things.
Have you a very nice development..!


25th July 2006, 09:59 PM
Thank you for your advice.
I acknowledge my mistake and I shall see to it.
I think impatience is one of the reason I didnt do well.
I shall do things regularly in proper amount (not too much)

In the past I do things like many hours of work in one day and not doing it regularly.
Now I think I will do things little by little but making it a daily habit.

anyways, there is a chinese saying :

good medicine is bitter and good advice is harsh.
I thank you for being honest and sincere :)

26th July 2006, 05:09 AM
Yesterday after doing relaxation core exercise pateintly I process to do NEW and then raising the energy to major energy centers.

I start by patiently energizing my base chakra (longer than usual) and raise the other centers with standard approach and later I can feel strong energy sensation. I sleep less today.
I notice I start to see faint white ether layar aura of a drinking bottle when I stare at it for a minute or two. I think I am showing sign of improvement and I shall do the exercises everyday.

I think for the energy centers I will focus more on base chakra as it is the basic chakra that gives vital energy and support other centers :)