View Full Version : Two More Spider Dreams/ Removing Fear.

Neil Templar
9th February 2015, 02:05 PM
I've recently had two more dreams where i encounter large spiders.
I've long taken the spiders to symbolise my own fears, and these two dreams were spot on with regards to my conscious work at present, to reprogram my fear-based behavioural patterns.

In the first, which was a few weeks ago, so the details are few now, i found what seemed to be a nest. There i discovered the Queen spider, giving birth to numerous spiders as quickly as i could eliminate them.
I managed to kill the Queen, and awoke very hopeful.

(This was around the same time as i took control of a particular financial issue i've been avoiding for a few years now.)

In the second dream, a few nights ago, i once again found myself in the presence of two very large spiders.
This time tho, the quality of the dream was different. I was 90% lucid, and my focus wasn't on the fearful reaction to the spiders… more like i was simply observing them, knowing that they are representations of my fears, and not really something to be feared themselves.
I noticed they seemed to be very hairy, in fact almost like cute stuffed-toy versions of the once menacing spiders of my dreams.
The two of them crawled under my bed (a childhood hiding place of all things scary).
I knew i had to just take care of them and get them out of there, so i lifted up the mattress, and what i saw was this -
A tiny kitten was under there with the spiders. They were 3 times it's size, but it was standing up to them without any fear.
It was so clear to me then - fear has no real substance, other than what we give it with our minds.
A tiny kitten has no fear.
As this thought went through my mind, the kitten stomped on one, and then the other spider, and they fell apart, legs crumbling like ancient paper scrolls. The pieces lay and turned to dust.

(This experience also correlates with something i was reading the other day, about children being born without fear. Fear is learned, but in the pristine state, life is fearless. A baby is born TRUSTING that it will be taken care of by it's Mother. Just as we are taken care of by the Divine, if we only let go of fear and trust…)

9th February 2015, 02:23 PM
Good to see you back Neil.

Neil Templar
9th February 2015, 03:18 PM
Thanks. :)
The past couple of years or so have been rather busy getting things in order in the material world, but once again my focus is more inward, actually, more balanced between inner and outer realities, and i'm finding i have more to share now, so, yeah, good to be back!

10th February 2015, 05:15 AM
Nice one, Neil. Babies are born with a startle reflex, which implies that they have the programming necessary to take action against their fears once they're old enough because fear is part of the game and overcoming it leads to mastery.