View Full Version : Weird dream I had

4th February 2015, 10:57 PM
I was thinking about this strange dream I had a few weeks ago after I started working on this stuff.
I was in a house where apparently this couple lived. I was sitting at the kitchen breakfast table.
The woman comes in first and she greets me. Shes approaching from behind me and its talking but I don't remember what she said. She presses her finger into my the middle of my spine and i felt a mild jolt of electricity like if she pushed a button or fixed something in my back. and she walks to the kitchen and starts doing something over there to my left.
Then the man comes in and he greets me and they start talking to each other about me. I don't remember what they said but the impression i remember is that it was happy, almost humorous.
At some point the man says something along the lines of "make sure you come back later for class" or "he'll come back later for class" Then everything quickly faded out and I woke up

5th February 2015, 01:39 PM
I believe you had a dream initiation. I had one years ago, and it had similar imagery. Don't be surprised if from now on you have 'dreamstate lessons' or projections into a school setting. Welcome to the journey.

6th February 2015, 01:41 AM
Interesting. I haven't noticed a classroom setting yet. When he said that, I was thinking the classroom must be in the astral, and I also got the impression that I was supposed to go around 12 noontime. I haven't been able to astral project yet though so maybe I've been skipping class lol

6th February 2015, 01:55 PM
Your astral self goes even when you're up and about. Always learning, it seems. This is what some authors have stated, something which I agree with, since I have memories of remembering past classes when I'm there, and then forgetting them as soon as I wake up.

6th February 2015, 07:51 PM
Last night I had a dream I was in a classroom. It was this a really big classroom and there were groups of us sitting at a table. It seemed like my table was in the back of the room, or maybe it was multiple classrooms and there was another board behind me in which case id be in the front, which would make more sense. I was trying to finish my homework before class started. The homework was a bunch of math/physics problems. That's pretty much how I think about school now since I'm an engineering major and all my classes are basically math classes.

So the other guys at my table were talking and I was trying to do my homework. I was looking at this roll of cloth similar to something like a karate belt but a little thicker. On the roll was what seemed to be all the answers or maybe it was the textbook... I kept getting distracted by the conversation at the table which I've now forgotten (why do I always forget conversations?) I sensed someone walking behind me and the scene faded to me being out of the classroom and into a sort of courtyard/commons.

I went through some doors into a hallway and took one of the branches into another hallway which lead to a vary large greenhouse. It was strange at how calm and quiet it was in there. I decided to walk to the other end of the dome where I found an opening in the glass which lead outside where it was daytime and where was green grass and some trees. before exiting I had to walk down this mound of what appeared to be shards of broken pots. I realized that I was wearing nice dress shoes and that there were some people behind me trying to exit the greenhouse as well. So I kind of jump into the broken pots and stumble out the opening. about two feet from the exit is a precipice with a grassy slope going down at a sharp angle as if the entire dome was raised about 6 feet. So I step down the slope to continue on but I slip on the grass and I end up with my back on this slope of grass but I cant move or turn. I call out for help to the people there but they just do their own thing and I wake up.

7th February 2015, 09:56 AM
Hi Saturn,
My first thought to this when reading your experience had been that if you had been aware in the dream that you could levitate and fly you would have got out no problem.
No one wants to walk on broken pots.
No one wants to get dress shoes dirty or scratched.
Grassy slope.
Everything there seems to be a reason to raise off the ground and fly out.
Could this have been a lesson in keeping off the ground?
The thing is we know we can fly , hover in astral and it's something I suppose we just take for granted that everyone can and does do so at what stage do we start doing this rather than just walking around?
Maybe someone can come up with a more meaningful suggestion

7th February 2015, 08:28 PM
So you're saying in the dream I should have been tempted to fly?
I have this habit of being a passive observer in my dreams. While growing up the way I saw dreams was something interesting my imagination was generating or an important message from God. And if I started to take control of it, the "show" would become corrupted. I might as well just be imagining it while awake. Also when I start becoming aware, it becomes harder to stay in the dream and when people speak it doesn't mean anything to me. The words in books are all blurry. A white light starts creeping in from the edges of my vision and the longer I fight it the more of my vision is obscured until it is a blinding white light and can hardly even keep my eyes open.

That being said I have managed a balance before and have levitated. The way I've managed to do it was I would be sitting on a chair and I grab the seat with my hands and "pull" myself up. Then I will myself forward (I usually only seem to move forward). I've done it once before without a chair but I ended up floating away.

Maybe I should start seeing my dreams as a sort of simulator, but it's tough because most of the information is all garbled except for certain things that stand out.

8th February 2015, 04:43 PM
Yes , that was what I had meant
However I notice that you had the dream I presume just hours after saying you had never had a class room dream before . I suppose you went to sleep shortly after the communication with CFT. You also say you watch the likes of Star Wars. This can realy be a problem if you want to separate your own dreaming mind of made up fantasy from anything that your getting help with in astral whilst asleep.
That said I still go with the idea that you may be opening up to awareness of lessons on the other side.

8th February 2015, 11:33 PM
I had another dream last night
In my dream I was following this girl through what appeared to be a mall. At a certain point we came to a hotel that was part of the mall. We walked in and she told me my room number and then she got on the elevator and was gone. So I get on the elevator and set it to go to the 4th floor but it starts going down into some negative numbers. So I get off and go into a new elevator and set it to the 4th floor. It starts moving but I noticed that the door didn't close on this one. As it gets to the 4th floor I can see both doors are open but then I notice that the elevator is starting to go down again. I think to myself "I'm not going to take another elevator; I'm going to jump through the shrinking hole". So I do that, but I wasn't fast enough and I was hanging there on the ledge. The elevator kept descending but it didn't crush me (no ceiling?). So I'm just hanging there but my arms feel so weak and I cant seem to find any leverage to pull myself up. I start to realize this is a dream and I pull myself up. Once I stumble to my feet I feel fully aware. I can feel my legs and feet and then the rest of my body as I stand up. I try remembering my room number but the information is halfway gone. So I say "Take me to my room" which is what happened because I woke up haha.

The girl was someone I saw in a youtube video earlier that night and as for the hotel. I've been planning a skiing trip and I was talking to my friend about a hotel that night before I tried to go to sleep. It took me 3 hrs to fall asleep...
I think the images are just a means to an end in my case. I thought It was probably another attempt to get me to fly.