View Full Version : Something for Robert Bruce

1st February 2015, 03:39 PM
Hey Rob

I was on EA's website and made a thread about Physical regeneration and shape shifting. Someone responding with a link to this area. I figured you might like it, I know your Working on Immortality, as are we all I guess.


It's a book and exercise that are based on Tibet rites for health and youth, I figured why not work it into your practice. I hope you like it and find it enjoyable

2nd February 2015, 02:49 PM
I'm ok with that. ;)

Robert Bruce
3rd February 2015, 01:31 AM
Very nice.

Sounds very healthy.

However, do not overlook the needs of the body...vitamins, minerals, etc.

People in the Western world are massively mineral deprived and some of the food we eat is quite toxic.
