View Full Version : I'm conducting a personal Astral Projection experiment and looking for people to help

19th January 2015, 06:58 PM
Recently in my life I have been having many psychic experiences such as seeing spirits, hearing voices, etc. A question I have had is "how do I know whether any of this is authentic or some form of hallucination". So I have basically been coming up with ways to test different psychic abilities to reveal to my self if it is real

One of the things I want to test is Astral Projection. I read articles on the internet where scientists have looked into case studies of people who claim to have astral projected. They say that the evidence shows that they definitely experiencing something. But what??? Their explanation is that what these people are calling an OBE may just be an extremely vivid dream. One that is so life like that a person is tricked into thinking he has really left his body.

How would a person be able to test if this theory is authentic. I thought about this and this is what I think. If one could use astral travel to gain information about an external source outside the mind, it would prove authenticity. So let me explain what I mean. Imagine I project to a friends house (with his/her permission of course). The next day I describe the experience to this person over the phone. I go over what I saw in his/her room . If my description is extremely accurate to what it looks like, it must of bean an authentic However if it is way off, then I know that it must of been a dream or something

I basically want to perform this experiment with some one from this forum who is able to astral project but they will not be travelling to my house. I will give them a photo (or video) of a street that I am close to. They must travel there describe details about it that do not feature on the photo. These are things like the street name, other houses and other streets that are close. They then can create a post on this forum and describe what they saw. If anyone's interested let me know. Also I have tried performing this experiment already with people I personally know who claim they can astral project. I will not describe what were the results just yet though and I want to see how this test goes if I do actually find some one here who is willing

19th January 2015, 08:07 PM
These tests have already been done, even scientifically. Remote Viewing has been proven in lab situations (see PEAR lab studies or others). The literature shows lots of evidence, even if it is termed 'anecdotal'. NDEs (with OBEs) show tons of evidence of verifications.

Learn to project yourself and you can prove it to yourself if you do the tests for yourself, e.g. card test. I did mine successfully and have other validations, many of which also happend rather 'by accident' but they are then even more convincing to me.

I had a page once up where I gathered examples of validations from all sources. Unfortunately the free internet provider page is down at the moment so it is not up. I might look into it and put a link in here when it is up again. It is a nice collection with further links and literature for proof and verifications.

19th January 2015, 08:28 PM
Robert Monroe tried to prove OBEs right alot in his books, especially the first one. Also- The Monroe Institute performs retrievals and I remember they managed to varify a couple of names of people they retrieved, so that's cool.
As to myself- I once had an OBE in my room and I saw a blurry figure walking back and forth in the kitchen very fast and didn't pay much notice to it. When I woke up- turns out it was my mom. She was walking back & forth quickly in the kitchen which is an odd behavior. Good enough proof for me :-)
I would love to participate in your experient if I could, but I'm not that good with places. Sorry! Maybe more advanced people would.

19th January 2015, 08:39 PM
Ok, looked into it shortly. It was just a wrong FTP-folder because their server structure had changed. The same site is now up and working again, it's just one (simple but informative!) page altogether with everything on it. :-)

Some links might be broken as the page is not maintained a lot:


Have fun!

19th January 2015, 09:28 PM
Did the card trick about 3-4 years ago placed high up on top of a piece of furniture. OBEd in bedroom, went downstairs , couldn't view what it was, fingers went through it, vision was not sharp but could see fingers.
Next day wondered why couldn't see it. Wondered what it was.
Jack of spades I kept telling myself. Jack of spades. It's recorded somewhere here on this site going back a bit. Checked the card . It was jack of spades.
So what I'm saying here is things are not so clean cut when dealing with the non physical world.
It could be said by non believers that because I felt I couldn't see the card at the time of the event that it was imagination gone wild.
I had the reality fluctuation of my living room floor . But what are the odds out of all the cards in the pack I could have thought up to it being the jack of spades? I cannt even get lottery numbers right.
My thoughts are that no matter how many accounts you read unless you experience yourself you will never fully believe .

19th January 2015, 10:15 PM
Ok, looked into it shortly. It was just a wrong FTP-folder because their server structure had changed. The same site is now up and working again, it's just one (simple but informative!) page altogether with everything on it. :-)

Some links might be broken as the page is not maintained a lot:


Have fun!
Ooooohh that looks good! I know it's not my thread but I just wanted to say I wanted to take a look at your site but I understood it was down, so thanx. Will look into it when I'll have the time :-).

19th January 2015, 10:26 PM
Before you launch into an indepth study, I would suggest you read Robert's Treatise on Astral Projection- It gives you an idea of why I think 'trying to prove' 'projection' is 'real' is a tricky proposition at best- there is a lot to redefine. I would also recommend reading Charles Tart's works especially the book 'The End of Materialism', and perhaps Fred Aardema's book 'Explorations in Consciousness' too.

20th January 2015, 05:29 PM
Ooooohh that looks good! I know it's not my thread but I just wanted to say I wanted to take a look at your site but I understood it was down, so thanx. Will look into it when I'll have the time :-).
Normally I do not blow my own ♥♥♥♥♥et, but this is actually a great site/collection of mine, it took a while and some motivation and labour to collect it all from the many sources. Of course, actually it is also still a work in progress and I could add much more as it is never complete (e.g. validations by NDEs, RVs, some other APs from forums I had already bookmarked long ago, etc.).

Yes, I encourage every one to take a look at it. Have fun.

21st January 2015, 01:34 PM
Heheh it's been a while since I've been to your site and had forgotten about it, Sinera. I have to keep it in mind when someone else comes in asking about validations.

22nd January 2015, 07:07 PM
Ok, looked into it shortly. It was just a wrong FTP-folder because their server structure had changed. The same site is now up and working again, it's just one (simple but informative!) page altogether with everything on it. :-)

Some links might be broken as the page is not maintained a lot:


Have fun!

Awesome thanks so much

22nd January 2015, 07:28 PM
Hey everyone. Thanks for the information to the studies and research. Some of the things you mentioned I did not know however I have researched a lot about this stuff. I am aware that during the Cold war, the CIA put a lot of time into remote viewing and were able to find an enemy submarine. It was called called the Stargate Project. I have also met a guy that has been in the local newspaper of Bloemfontein in my country South Africa. The article was about how the police have used him to find bodies of people who have been murdered. I have also read about popular cases in America where people have used OBEs to help the police. Even despite all this information, there is a part of me that finds it hard to beleive (I was a materialist for many years). It is like what Susan said "unless you experience yourself you will never fully believe". I want to experience it but I cannot. For me that would be highly irresponsible and I explain why in my post http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?17800-Why-I-signed-up-to-this-forum.
I have this entity in my life that I am trying to banishand if I try astral projection, I may just open doors to this spirit. So that's why I am trying to find some one else that can have an OBE. That way I do not put myself under risk