View Full Version : Endless number of nightmares

16th January 2015, 12:49 PM
Soooooo basically every night I either don't dream anything (or I can't remember anything at least) or I have a nightmare.

That pretty much it.

Dreams supposedly have some sort of meaning and I have been able to figure out the "message" of every one or other dream. Sometimes it's a nightmare created from the stress of studying Or my childhood fear that a volcano might start growing from under my house while I sleep...no really I actually did dream about this once...it was AWESOME...in a very terrible way.

I have also noticed that many of these "nightmares" are not actually that scary, they are never emotionally that extreme and sometimes I have noticed that while I'm dreaming I seem to be...enjoying in a way all the drama...I dont know if this makes sense. (I'm not a masochist by the way, just saying)
Anyways my issue is not what every nightmare individually means, it's just the fact that every night I constantly have nightmares. For every 1 good dream, I approximately have 10 nightmares. Is there a bigger picture I'm missing here? Am I unconsciously an emotional mess?

PS. I was also wondering, what triggers a "good" dream? I mean stress triggers many "bad" dreams. So uh yeah.

16th January 2015, 01:48 PM
Some people say that a nightmare is the subconscious' way of trying to get you to become lucid. I don't know if this is strictly true, but many people report becoming lucid in a nightmare and then beginning to change the scenario.
Maybe that's the key? If you're not 'suffering' the nightmares, maybe it's your cue to realize you're in one while you are, and start controlling it.

16th January 2015, 03:09 PM
DANG IT ! T.T It's really irritating when the whole universe is telling you to do something that you don't have a lot of uh....how should I put it?...um "enthusiasm" for , ya know? I wonder if this is how Jesus felt when he had to be crucified? He was all like ~sigh fine fine I will do it, let's get this over with~

Seriously the aliens or God should just re-arrange the stars to spell "establish communications already Sargoyl" at this point !

This probably seems a bit random, let me explain. Basically this is not the first time I have received "messages" telling me to lucid dream or go on a OBE. So far I haven't done it...seems like the messages are becoming a lot more direct.

16th January 2015, 07:52 PM
Just tell yourself to realize it's a dream when you have another nightmare and see what happens.

16th January 2015, 09:03 PM
Most dreams have a negative touch, generally speaking. They deal with finding solutions or showing to you everyday problems and issues of your (mostly current) life, they are meant to be kind of therapeutic, in a way. 1 "good" dream out of ca. 10 dreams with the other 9 rather being "issue-solving-related" is a normal statistis, methinks.

17th January 2015, 01:40 AM
Most dreams have a negative touch, generally speaking. They deal with finding solutions or showing to you everyday problems and issues of your (mostly current) life, they are meant to be kind of therapeutic, in a way. 1 "good" dream out of ca. 10 dreams with the other 9 rather being "issue-solving-related" is a normal statistis, methinks.

Oh really? Uh. Makes me feel a little bit better knowing that many other people also have such "bad" odds haha.

By the way do you know what "triggers" a good dream? I never really thought about this and suddenly I realized I didn't know. Now I'm really curious to know why.

17th January 2015, 05:12 AM
Hello there friend. I had 100% nightmares for nearly two years straight. (pretty sure this is why im an insomniac now) and I mean real nightmares. Like seeing things that are beyond awful. Things that tear into your very soul and crush your mind. Yeah yeah bad stuff. But the way that I got over them was that I would just blink hard in the dream and when i opened them i would be awake in my bed. and then after a while i tried sticking one out to the end and let me tell you, after you get done with a nightmare you will get the biggest natural high of your life. like you'll feel good for weeks. and since then whenever i have a nightmare i usually either try to stick it out or i just change the dream into something else (you learn defensive lucid stuff when you are being ripped apart emotionally for nearly two years.) I know that this probably wont help but what im trying to say is to just try simple defensive stuff and try to realize that you're dreaming...

Sorry for giving up on capitalization and stuff. i just simply dont care enough to.

17th January 2015, 05:54 AM
I used to have nightmares very, very regularly, from the time I was quite young. It was certainly my subconscious trying to express a lot of things. In my case, I came from a very dysfunctional family, and there were a lot of issues that just piled up the older I got. For a while, as an adult, I was having multiple nightmares per night (but that was during a period of healing and transition, so they'd come up and I'd work out what they were about in the healing process).

There are plenty of reasons for nightmares, but if they're regular and frequent, and particularly if there are repeated images (I had a "haunted house" one from the time I was a kid, for example), you subconscious is definitely trying to get your attention and tell you that there are things you need to resolve. What those things might be, well, you and your subconscious need to sort that out.

17th January 2015, 06:02 AM
Hello there friend. I had 100% nightmares for nearly two years straight. (pretty sure this is why im an insomniac now) and I mean real nightmares. Like seeing things that are beyond awful. Things that tear into your very soul and crush your mind. Yeah yeah bad stuff. But the way that I got over them was that I would just blink hard in the dream and when i opened them i would be awake in my bed. and then after a while i tried sticking one out to the end and let me tell you, after you get done with a nightmare you will get the biggest natural high of your life. like you'll feel good for weeks. and since then whenever i have a nightmare i usually either try to stick it out or i just change the dream into something else (you learn defensive lucid stuff when you are being ripped apart emotionally for nearly two years.) I know that this probably wont help but what im trying to say is to just try simple defensive stuff and try to realize that you're dreaming...

Sorry for giving up on capitalization and stuff. i just simply dont care enough to.

Oooh yes you must be a true masochist ~hehe~ Thumbs up I support you bro(sister?) .

Well to be honest most of my nightmares are not really that bad, every now and then I will get a truly bad one but most are just "bad".

Umm how can I explain? Let's see....for example I rarely wake up screaming or sweating very badly. It just seems that all of my dreams just have to be bad as a general rule. Sometimes it's as light as "knowing" something bad is going to happen in the dream and continuously being haunted by it inside the dream....but then nothing actually happens. But I had to go through all the dream in anxiety so it was not enjoyable.

All of this aside. It's VERY interesting what you said about getting a natural high if you are able to wait the nightmare out. And given the ridiculously amazing person that I am it's virtually impossible for a nightmare to harm me, so I might just try it next time.

Now don't get the wrong idea I couldn't care less for the "high", being a person that can get high out of orange juice I'm not interested in that, no, what I'm interested to experience is WHY and HOW that happens hehe.

17th January 2015, 06:14 AM
I used to have nightmares very, very regularly, from the time I was quite young. It was certainly my subconscious trying to express a lot of things. In my case, I came from a very dysfunctional family, and there were a lot of issues that just piled up the older I got. For a while, as an adult, I was having multiple nightmares per night (but that was during a period of healing and transition, so they'd come up and I'd work out what they were about in the healing process).

There are plenty of reasons for nightmares, but if they're regular and frequent, and particularly if there are repeated images (I had a "haunted house" one from the time I was a kid, for example), you subconscious is definitely trying to get your attention and tell you that there are things you need to resolve. What those things might be, well, you and your subconscious need to sort that out.

I worry to much about things that won't happen. If there is something that my constant dreams are telling me it's that. And according to one dream I also apparently have a repressed sexual plastic action figure fetish.....so...uh...yeah.....but I wouldn't classify that specific dream as a "nightmare" per say...I mean I was very hot ( as in sexy not hot and cold duh) in that dream and I had these cute boxers and cool sports top and...wait I don't need to post this here...

17th January 2015, 06:14 PM
I had about four nightmares in a row or more last night. From the sublime to the ridiculous. And guess what? I didn't become lucid. Just horrified at what lies underneath in my mind.

18th January 2015, 03:20 AM
Well, I'm not a masochist. I couldn't control them. It wasn't fun at all. Oh yeah and I'm a guy, I guess I forgot to mention that in the pm's