View Full Version : Question about mahasamadhi and kundalini

16th January 2015, 09:08 AM
Good Day Robert,

Now that you raised your kundalini do you believe that you can now at one stage of your life, die also consciously /initiate the dying process at will similar to the Hindu concept of Mahasamadhi?And would it be painless or different from normal dying?



Robert Bruce
3rd February 2015, 01:11 AM
I have no direct personal experience with this, as I am still alive...

However, I think that should I decide to die, I could do this...move out of body into a more enduring astral form.

The more spiritual development one has, and especially if kundalini has been activated, raised, and developed, the more choices appear at the end of life.

As for painless, this would depend upon the circumstances.

Death in and of itself is painless. The dying part is, however, variable, according to circumstances. You may, for example, be dying of a painful injury or disease. Then it would hurt up to a point. But once you actually start to die, all pain would cease.
