View Full Version : Question about suggestions given in “The Practical Psychic Self-Defense Handbook"

15th January 2015, 07:49 AM
Hi Robert,

A while back I bought your book “The Practical Psychic Self-Defense Handbook” In your book you suggest getting a ”Q-Link” and to sleep grounded/earthed. I went ahead and ordered me a Q-link as well as a grounding/earthing bed sheet.

My question is, in your experience would it be safe to wear the Q-Link at the same time while sleeping on the grounded/earthed bed sheet, or would these two different products counter each other when used together?

Also, I'm intending to use affirmations both verbal as well as recorded. My question is for the recorded affirmations. If there are negs around me while doing the voice recording of the affirmations, could they somehow interfere with the recording by placing some negative subliminal messages in the recording while I’m doing the recording myself? If so what counter measures can I take before and while doing the recording?

Thank you for your time,

Robert Bruce
3rd February 2015, 01:05 AM
YEs, it is safe to wear Q link while on earthed bedsheet and other grounding devices.

I very much doubt a neg could interfere with a recorded affirmation, but you could do a banishment or two before you start recording. See final chapter....
