View Full Version : Subconscious not as helpful as I first thought

7th January 2015, 03:25 AM
Hello people, Just had another night of a few astral projections. One of them I asked to speak with my subconscious again. I was pulled for about 25 seconds until a location became visible and I stopped being pulled. Then I saw someone walking past me about 20 feet away.

Now it always seems like my subconscious doesn't like to verbally communicate with me. It is great at communicating through dream scenarios, but I'm not sure about anything else.

I had to get his attention and asked, are you my subconscious?. He replied yes so I began shooting off some questions. I asked a simple question about how to improve my meditation and he responded "you know I cant tell you anything about that". After that my lucidity probably decreased as my memory is foggy.

Now there is a 10% chance that I have some deep hidden belief that I shouldn't be receiving any information for some reason, but I doubt it as I am quite open to observing and learning and changing. I'm not going to ask to speak with the subconscious again as I think it would rather communicate with me in other ways. I just thought it was a bit strange he wouldn't even tell me how to improve my meditation.

Thanks for listening. Any comments :)

7th January 2015, 04:13 AM
Subconscious content is different in nature than conscious content. It speaks a different language and contains or is amenable to different kinds of energy or impulses. I suspect what you experienced in your dream was a non-subconscious aspect - something much more of the mental body - representing to you ideation around your desire to know.

IMO. 2cents

7th January 2015, 02:45 PM
Also, the subconscious does not know the difference between physical reality, fantasy or extra local information. That's why manifesters work so hard to program it.
One of the things that I have learned is that subconscious content is not 'the truth', that when you come into information you have to get in deeper, to tap into a more 'real' you, maybe the superconscious to get reliable information.
Maybe that's why there's so much false information in the 'prophecy' industry, with a few gems tucked in underneath.

7th January 2015, 08:03 PM
One of the things that I have learned is that subconscious content is not 'the truth', that when you come into information you have to get in deeper, to tap into a more 'real' you, maybe the superconscious to get reliable information. Maybe that's why there's so much false information in the 'prophecy' industry, with a few gems tucked in underneath.
Very well put. This also explains the difficulty we can find in dream content where we have to tell apart things where (most?) part is just subconscious regurgitation of e.g. emotional issues you have, or e.g. body instincts or whatever and the (lesser) 'real stuff' of higher messages you might get from your HS or the larger reality (including clairvoyant or precognitive stuff).

John Sorensen
8th January 2015, 11:54 AM
Also, the subconscious does not know the difference between physical reality, fantasy or extra local information. That's why manifesters work so hard to program it.
One of the things that I have learned is that subconscious content is not 'the truth', that when you come into information you have to get in deeper, to tap into a more 'real' you, maybe the superconscious to get reliable information.
Maybe that's why there's so much false information in the 'prophecy' industry, with a few gems tucked in underneath.

Man, that is what I love about it. Reality is fluid adaptable and subjective, how boring it would be if everything were fixed concrete and unchanging, ugh! The only constant to me is consciousness, or energy, and all forms of energy come from the same source, but manifest in infinite varieties.

Every atom in creation sings the same song if we listen, but how we experience it is entirely unique to each of us.

8th January 2015, 01:25 PM
Man, that is what I love about it. Reality is fluid adaptable and subjective, how boring it would be if everything were fixed concrete and unchanging, ugh! The only constant to me is consciousness, or energy, and all forms of energy come from the same source, but manifest in infinite varieties.

Every atom in creation sings the same song if we listen, but how we experience it is entirely unique to each of us.

Hi John,
Can you elaborate what you see as fixed concreat and ugh??!!
