22nd December 2014, 12:09 AM
The ego is always and always hungry always wanting tasty food. The secret is you need your daily food nourishment. Look for Junk food substitutes. replace junk food with healthy nourishment. There are two types of nourishment. Healthy nourishment and unhealthy nourishment - junk food. Find healthy nourishing food. For example avocado etc to replace, the junk food with the healthy food. It gives you your daily required pleasure. Make a list of all the healthy food that gives you allot of pleasure. Consume until fully satisfied. And now fill yourself with healthy raw fruit in veg after having your healthy food fix. Note remember when replacing junk food, nourishment, with healthy food nourishment, it gives you the same fix. Say you get a healthy nourishment fix it fixes your junk food fix when getting a nourishment fix. Transition from junk food to healthy food. The body goes in a wee bit of a shock. It is because it's not use to it. Note raw veg and fruit diet is entirely appropriate diet because we are made 80-90% water and so is the raw fruit and raw veg. Treating hunger pangs. Bloat yourself with as much fruit and veg. Or have as much variety of super foods. They have the highest content of vitamins in minerals. This transition from junk food to superfoods can be quite successful.
I have nearly become fully peskataerian. Hardly have in sea food mainly now as many superfoods and raw veg and fruit I get across. Threw programming myself long term with the emotional freedom technique tapping fingers tapping merdian for years now... mentally saying, i am positive now, I am healthy now. Note I have re conditioned myself to become nearly fully vegetarian. I programming myself when I am in the car-bus traveling or whenever I am waiting I remember to program myself. Programming in the long run will influence all the times I have had my cigarette - junk food fix. Junk food is like a cigarette. Treat junk food as a cigarette addiction and understand the programming must overcome all the times you've had your cigarette fix
I have nearly become fully peskataerian. Hardly have in sea food mainly now as many superfoods and raw veg and fruit I get across. Threw programming myself long term with the emotional freedom technique tapping fingers tapping merdian for years now... mentally saying, i am positive now, I am healthy now. Note I have re conditioned myself to become nearly fully vegetarian. I programming myself when I am in the car-bus traveling or whenever I am waiting I remember to program myself. Programming in the long run will influence all the times I have had my cigarette - junk food fix. Junk food is like a cigarette. Treat junk food as a cigarette addiction and understand the programming must overcome all the times you've had your cigarette fix