View Full Version : Poor imagination after having a really vivid one

17th December 2014, 08:02 PM
Well, I've been a fan of your work since 9 years ago. I've got most of your books but since the problem occurred it became very difficult and now I have a question...

I used to have a pretty much perfect vivid imagination, I could see everything in detail and fantasize about everything. After I took some pill for sometime I lost the ability to imagine and now when I try to see something in my head like a tv it's hard to me to recall things, and when I see them they're not vivid pictures but a little out of focus and It's also hard to maintain the picture in my head. Since I was little I would listen to music and create scenarios and now I can barely see faces of people I just met a minute ago.

MY question as follows, Is it possible in my state to practice energy work, astral projection, seeing auras etc??...even the blue energy ball I need to imagine is hard unlike 9 years ago when I tried to project and rushed, I almost succeeded at my first attempt by just imagining blue waves of energy flowing through my body and obviously this imagination/concentration problem didn't exist back then.

p.s=My imagination has been like this for over two years and I don't see a way to improve it since a pill did it, any answers and especially suggestions will be highly appreciated!

Robert Bruce
1st January 2015, 06:19 AM
What you are describing is visualization, as if you actually see things visually this is a version of visual clairvoyance.

If a pill did this, then detoxing should help to restore things. The physical body must be taken care of in this sense. Pure water (no fluoride) and as much organic as you can, preferably raw. You might like to research iodine (Lugols Iodine) as this is an excellent way to remove heavy metals and toxins, and to restore health.

Yes, you can continue to practice these things, but they will be less visual than you might have been used to in the past. But they will still work. And regular practice pays off.

peace, robert

10th August 2015, 04:10 PM
Thank you for replying and excuse me for only noticing this now.

I was a vegan for two years but I can't say it did any kind of change, I understand what you mean about detox I'm just not sure it will help. it's like my neurons started to work in a different way and my brain seems to have accepted it. It wasn't any kind of hallucinogen but rather a drug to prevent seizures of some sort and it's a side effect that shouldn't have happend. All I know is that it affects the temporal lobe region of the brain. I try to do a water fast for couple of days and still didn't see anything changing.

About the flouride, it's pretty hard to avoid because in our country there is a water fluoridation law by the ministry of "health".

Anyway thanks for the advice, I hope that someday my lfie would turn around, it seems it only went down hill since then, like something is stopping me from growing spiritually literally. Can something actually interfere like that on purpose or it's just merely a coincidence?