View Full Version : What's DNA Activation

1st December 2014, 02:39 PM
Dear Sir...

¿What's DNA Activation?

There are tons of info spread at web, but I want to know reliable data from you.

If you know a reliable reference weblink, post it as answer.

My best regards,

Robert Bruce
3rd December 2014, 02:21 AM
You'd have to dig around for something good on this. Its not an area I research.

However.... there is something to dna activation.

There are parts of our dna that are inactive. When activated, they change us.

A good example of this is raising kundalini. When this happens, logic based on experience says, parts of our dna are activated that were previously dormant.

Evidence for this is found in the snakelike way that kundalini can activate in when fully expressed. It 'feels' like a large snake is physically moving up inside the body in a circular upwards (coiling) action. And then when it hits the head this physical feeling manifestation moves out over the brow and down to the nose tip, feeling very like a big cobra hood.

When in the full raised and developed kundalini state, you will feel like an alien...decidedly not human.

I speculate, given all the references seen in Egyptology, with many statues and pics showing cobras extending from foreheads and etc, that the ancient Egyptian leaders had activated kundalini. This makes a lot of sense, as you would want your leaders to be spiritually and physically evolved far beyond normal human. This level of evolution comes with inherent incorruptibility. Our world could certainly use some of that right now...lol.
