View Full Version : Visiting: how to? (Person or dog; Dead or alive)

28th November 2014, 10:59 PM
Hey guys, just wanted to ask how do I visit a person in an OBE, dead or alive? And is it different with pets? Cause I would really like to visit my dog- whom I love very much but he died about 2 years ago and I miss him terribly. I'm pretty sure he came to visit me a few months ago- I just woke up from a dream and realized someone small was walking on the edge of my bed for a while? It seemed like something he would do and his weight was just about right.

29th November 2014, 10:47 AM
Hi Dontco, a couple of years ago I was visited by my cat without even thinking of her.( but that doesn't answer your question of course) in that semi awake stage . I had been doing some energy work with the intention of trying for an exit. I heard the sound of her claws as she was walking on the wood floor on the landing. The sound got closer and I recognised the sound. Next I feel the pressure ( obviously not physical) of her body as she jumps up onto the bed, over my etheric ? body and could feel the pressure on my knees. At this stage I decided I could hear her, feel her ,so let's see if I could See her. As I looked with my non physical vision I was surprised because she was lying on my knees with her front paws in the air playing with another cat that was ginger and white. ( similar to my hair colour, ( out of a bottle ) )
This happened just a short while after she was put to sleep due to age and health.
Also, the day she was put down ( the date was arranged 2 weeks in advance) co- incidentally I spent that night in hospital at my father's bedside who was dying.I spent the whole weekend there until he died .
My husband came in from work early hours and went to bed. He got up to open the window as the cat was scratching to get in. ( this used to be her way back into the house using a wall and roof of extension to reach the window) she hadn't done this for a while as she became weaker. She walked onto the windowsill, jumped onto the bed, onto the floor, and out of the room.As he tried to get to sleep he got curious because he knew the cat was due to be put down that day. The fact that I was unexpectedly staying at the hospital he wondered if I had delayed the appointment. Then he realised he may have let a strange cat in. He searched the house and found nothing. Imagine having to explain what happened to us as he visits the hospital and asks if the cat was put down or not considering he has no belief or interest in this topic.
I would say on these occasions she came without our thoughts of her but if you want to make that contact I would suggest raising energy, put out a strong wish to visit your pet. Think of your fondness of her and your wish to visit her. Do your usual routine for an OBE and if you raise up and are out keep the thought of her. This worked for me with my dad( even if it didnt end as I expected)

29th November 2014, 03:33 PM
I don't have much to add here aside from simply asking, seeking, and knocking to attain anything. I mostly wanted to say hello to both you and Susan!



29th November 2014, 04:39 PM
Most times I've done it was unplanned- I just found myself 'there' with them.
The one time I tried on purpose I had no results until I asked my guides for help, and then took a passive attitude and 'let' things happen, and they did.

30th November 2014, 05:52 AM
Generally, they have always visited me. In dreams, sometimes, but also when I was fully awake. I've had visits from several pets (including pet mice, which I wouldn't have expected) and from people (my grandmother used to visit me in my dreams quite a lot; my daughter's grandfather came to visit me when he died, while I was awake, and I was quite surprised by that, too). I've also had visits from people I didn't really know, though that's uncommon (I am not generally open to communication from random entities for practical reasons ;)).

Generally, I don't go and visit them (though I have, on occasion). For me, it's much easier to "tune in" on people than on animals (I don't know why; I think people have a stronger "signal" to find, maybe). I don't have to know the person, just need to know OF them. I can do it with people who are living and who are not. I do find that people who are from another culture, era, speak a different language, etc. are harder for me to interpret (though no more difficult to find). How I do it.... I don't know. I just think about the person and then sort of "zoom in" on them. I've always been able to do it. (I think it's partly how I'm so very good at history as an academic subject.) For the most part, I don't go looking for departed pets and loved ones, because I find it emotionally wrenching. It just reminds me that they are no longer with me in the material, and that can trigger a lot of grief. I'm deeply emotional and it can be extremely difficult to manage that, so I usually try to avoid opening up floodgates unless I want to spend days or even weeks fighting to keep my head above emotional water, so to speak. ;) I'm sure that I COULD do it, and now I'm intrigued and might give it a go (I'll choose a pet who died peacefully and without complication and long enough ago that the grief is mostly subsided).

4th January 2015, 08:31 PM
Thank you all so much for responding!!! it means a lot and I appreciate it :D and I'm sooooooo sorry for the late response, also :/ been really busy with my university. So Now I will respond to everyone! :heart:
Dear Susan, thanks for your story! Some say the soul departs from the body before the actual death- if the body is suffering. I would assume it goes for cats too! your cat must have loved your family very much. But I must admit- it is puzzling, the way your husband saw her. And I will try what you said!
Soul- hello! :D keep on being wonderful.
CFT- Cool, thanks! I try to talk to my guides sometimes during OBEs but it usually doesn't really work. Someone does appear only when I'm in need of help (sometimes I just wanna talk to them but I guess it really doesn't work that way- perhaps I'm asking for too much. Perhaps I'm spoiled in the astral world :P).
And last but not least- ButterflyWoman!!! :-) My goodness, you are quite popular in the spirit world! ;) I used to dream about my dog 6 days a week when he died. And some other family members too. Don't know if it was actually him- but it was comforting, anyway. May I ask you if you meditated while being approached by them? I'm just reading a book by Micheal Newton (who is great, BTW) and he mentioned that it is possible for some very old souls to perceive other nonphysical creatures... in certain conditions (because their bodies are less dense than the physical ones or something similiar, I think). It is interesting to know how old are you in "soul years"! :-) You are a big talent. PS- lately when I think of a subject that upsets me a lot, I "throw it out of my mind" (or any other way you can put it into words) and strengthen the energy field around me, I find it REALLY helps! also, Monroe's idea of an "energy conversion box" is awesome and helpful. I'm the sensitive kind, too, of course...

31st January 2015, 02:35 PM
UPDATE: just wanted to say I got visited myself!!! :) wanted to get up from bed during an OBE when realized I heared my dog was in the room, next to my bed!!! wow, I was so happy, even though everything was black and I couldn't see a thing. I could hear and feel. The OBE was very short, though. I then woke up and wrote all about it in my OBE diary and then went back to sleep. Only- something was odd. Instead of a black screen which people usually see when they close their eyes- the screen in front of my eyes was white-ish (while it was still dark outside). After a short while, a gray screen quickly built itself up. Suddenly I found myself in the living room, without any idea how I got there. And my dog was on the floor, and I could see him :)
Just wanted to share to give everyone hope and send much love and appreciation :heart:

31st January 2015, 06:00 PM
:thumbsup: 8)

31st January 2015, 08:21 PM
Worth waiting for.

31st January 2015, 09:49 PM
Oh dear! I'm so sorry that I didn't see your thread before, dontco. I don't visit this forum very often, as I have commitments elsewhere on animal forums. Like you, I am also a reader of the research of Michael Newton. You probably know that he was a total sceptic for years, until one of his clients came out unexpectedly with information about life between lives, and that was later replicated countless times with other clients.

To answer your original question, it is perfectly possible for your pets to visit you (as has now happened to you and happens to me frequently) or for you to visit him on the astral. Assuming that you already are able to project to the astral plane (rather than just drifting around the RTZ in your etheric body), then all you need to do is tune into your dog's spiritual signature. Every being has his/her own unique signature, rather like DNA in the physical. If you can't feel his spiritual signature, send him a message with all your heart, all your devotion and all your concentration. Ask him to send you a signal of love. Then picture him in your mind, wait for the "beam of love" - just follow it and you will get there. The key in projecting to a specific being on the astral is a very strong heartfelt desire to do it. Just concentrate on your intense love and your resultant desire to see the loved one - and nothing else.

All creatures pass to the astral, without exception. There is no difference between the transitioning of humans and other animals. So the visiting process is the same, too. It is easier, obviously, to visit loved ones (human or pet) on the astral than others we knew only a little or not at all. That is also possible, but that would take us beyond the scope of your question.

I am so happy that your pet visited you. Actually, visits from loved ones on the astral are actually very common. After all, it is only another dimension! It's just that we are usually so busy with our lives (rushing around like ants) that we don't even notice.

Feel free to contact me by PM if you ever want to discuss this on a personal level.

1st February 2015, 02:01 PM
Oh, there you go. :) The dog must have known you wanted a visit.

5th February 2015, 07:00 PM
Thank you all! :heart:
And dear LPCF- thank you for being so kind! and for some great tips. I will follow your advice the best I can and I hope to get positive results :-) And in general, thanks for being there for people who are in need and are missing their pets! That is so important for so many people out there who are sad and lonely because of a close friend's death (their pet). I might PM you in the future, when I'll have more time to try and visit.

Oh dear! I'm so sorry that I didn't see your thread before, dontco. I don't visit this forum very often, as I have commitments elsewhere on animal forums. Like you, I am also a reader of the research of Michael Newton. You probably know that he was a total sceptic for years, until one of his clients came out unexpectedly with information about life between lives, and that was later replicated countless times with other clients.

To answer your original question, it is perfectly possible for your pets to visit you (as has now happened to you and happens to me frequently) or for you to visit him on the astral. Assuming that you already are able to project to the astral plane (rather than just drifting around the RTZ in your etheric body), then all you need to do is tune into your dog's spiritual signature. Every being has his/her own unique signature, rather like DNA in the physical. If you can't feel his spiritual signature, send him a message with all your heart, all your devotion and all your concentration. Ask him to send you a signal of love. Then picture him in your mind, wait for the "beam of love" - just follow it and you will get there. The key in projecting to a specific being on the astral is a very strong heartfelt desire to do it. Just concentrate on your intense love and your resultant desire to see the loved one - and nothing else.

All creatures pass to the astral, without exception. There is no difference between the transitioning of humans and other animals. So the visiting process is the same, too. It is easier, obviously, to visit loved ones (human or pet) on the astral than others we knew only a little or not at all. That is also possible, but that would take us beyond the scope of your question.

I am so happy that your pet visited you. Actually, visits from loved ones on the astral are actually very common. After all, it is only another dimension! It's just that we are usually so busy with our lives (rushing around like ants) that we don't even notice.

Feel free to contact me by PM if you ever want to discuss this on a personal level.

17th February 2015, 01:51 PM
You're very welcome. I am so grateful to the Universe that I have managed to find my purpose in being here - albeit I discovered it late in life!!

18th February 2015, 11:31 PM
Grats on your visit...I just wanted to add a funny event after I had our large Rot\bloodhound put down who dearly loved me(couple years ago). I was creeping out of body, through the living room headed to the back door, when Maggie the crazy hound I just lost came running in the door, I kneeld down and gave her a huge hug about the time a Pack of 20 or so of her New friends came pilling in behind her, everyone a different size, breed and color , all running and jumping all over the place some legs covered with mud, most still wearing collars, barking and playing. Shocked, I just laughed, shook my head and yelled for umm all to "get out of here" . Maggie stayed and thing got emotional after that...

19th February 2015, 09:55 PM
Grats on your visit...I just wanted to add a funny event after I had our large Rot\bloodhound put down who dearly loved me(couple years ago). I was creeping out of body, through the living room headed to the back door, when Maggie the crazy hound I just lost came running in the door, I kneeld down and gave her a huge hug about the time a Pack of 20 or so of her New friends came pilling in behind her, everyone a different size, breed and color , all running and jumping all over the place some legs covered with mud, most still wearing collars, barking and playing. Shocked, I just laughed, shook my head and yelled for umm all to "get out of here" . Maggie stayed and thing got emotional after that...
Ohhh and lol! :-) yeah, my doggie had a collar on too (the second time he visited, and the first time). I thought that was odd, but if you're saying the same thing happened to you then I guess that's ok.

20th February 2015, 08:19 PM
Just as humans often choose a form which resembles how they looked when they were at their peak whilst on the earth, so animals often do the same. So wearing a collar as a memento of how they used to look is perfectly logical and possible - although by no means all dogs choose to appear wearing a collar! It's a personal choice, just like with humans, as to how they choose to appear.

The astral is, as you know, a realm of desire and thought, so any beings can choose to modify how they appear at any time. Thus the wearing of a collar may also have been an added touch to bring happy memories to you.

24th February 2015, 02:16 PM
Just as humans often choose a form which resembles how they looked when they were at their peak whilst on the earth, so animals often do the same. So wearing a collar as a memento of how they used to look is perfectly logical and possible - although by no means all dogs choose to appear wearing a collar! It's a personal choice, just like with humans, as to how they choose to appear.

The astral is, as you know, a realm of desire and thought, so any beings can choose to modify how they appear at any time. Thus the wearing of a collar may also have been an added touch to bring happy memories to you.
Thank you for being so helpful :heart: this explains a lot.