View Full Version : Help with integrating the Kundalini Energy I feel 24/7

21st November 2014, 11:54 PM
Hi Robert,

I'm a young woman who had a 'spontaneous kundalini awakening' around four years ago and I'm having some trouble integrating and understanding this energy despite being an energy practioner/teacher myself.

I've done extensive research online about this but I've thus far not come across anyone in real life with my specific experiences, symptoms. I don't view myself as more or less special than anyone else going through this and understand each experiences Kundalini in a different way. Please let me point out that I have issues labelling this energy as Kundalini, mainly due to the immense amount of 'belief system' orientated thought forms that surround it.

So my question is what can I do to work with and integrate this energy so that I can have Conscious OBE's and take my learning to the next level? I have been in resistance for the longest time but it has dawned on me that this energy is going to stay with me and I might as well surrender to it, but it's not always so easy. I'm really at a loss at present with no-one I can share my experiences with openly. Intuitively I feel my Higher Self/Guides activated it so that my life may turn onto a new direction (which is has) but I'm feeling incredibly lonely and frustrated that I've not been able to take this energy/experiences to it's natural progression... I have been seeking teachers all of whom I felt deeply disappointed in and ended up expressing their feelings for me! As such become somewhat mistrustful. I'm just not sure what I'm meant to do with this Energy, I know what is possible with it but it doesn't seem as though I'm progressing... which makes me feel like why is it happening if I'm not moving to the next step.

Some of what is happening/happened to me:

*Four years ago laying in bed and suddenly hearing high pitch noise from nowehere following by what seemed like a lightening rod of electricity course through out my body.
*Since that time feeling energy in my body constantly 24/7, no switch off button. During the day time the energy is more subtle at night it becomes very intense, feels like electric currents travelling through my body in waves.
*Energy becomes almost unbearable at night time especially if I lay on my back making it almost impossible to Astral Project. Inside my ear begins to vibrate, along the jaw bone, feels like my energy body is moving away from my physical.
*Chakras sometimes open and begin to beat like drums, everything builds to a crescendo but unable to Astral project! Energy is far too distracting! Left feeling very frustrated and confused.
*During the day time soles of feet and hands are the most active, tingling and vibrating with subtle energy.
*Despite feeling so much energy in my body, still have pain in various parts of body particularly lower back area.
*Spontaneous Conscious OBE's in the past but not experienced a 'conscious' one for quite some time. Also Lucid Dreams which seem to automatically transition into OBE's with lots of energy activity.
*Mind becomes distracted and fearful because it does not feel in control, feels asthough Kundalini is in control of me.
*During meditation energy intensifies, energy affects my breathing, fear begins to set in. Pull myself out of meditation many times.
*At night when I close my eyes white flickering light, sometimes other colours, feels like room is spinning, muscle spasms, twitching
*During night time can feel the Kundalini moving around my organs, especially the heart organ
*Sometimes feel energy at the base of spine, turns in a circular motion
*Some senses have become hyper sensitive, touch, taste, sound, hearing [not sight as far as I'm aware, I wear lenses!]
*6 months after awakening entered into a particularly toxic relationship that caused intense trauma and PTSD (feeling that this experience may have stopped the Kundalini completing what it set out to do??)

Thanks Robert, really appreciate any insights you may have.

Robert Bruce
24th November 2014, 09:36 AM
This is very unusual, yes. I suggest you try hard physical exercise, to the point of exhaustion, as this will usually shut down excess energy activity.

And you need to apply the golden rule here and wait till you feel completely normal again, looking after your health and staying grounded. Then you can go back to energy work.


25th November 2014, 10:27 AM
Robert, does that mean you've not really come across anyone who has had this happen? I have tried various things, the strenuous exercise does not stabilise the energy infact I'd say it provokes and intensifies it. If I do something that requires a lot of energy my energy body is 'buzzing' afterwards. I think if I can Astral Project consistently I'll be able to find out what is happening, but the energy becomes so intense that it becomes a distraction to project so perhaps projecting from a Lucid Dream state is the way to go...

Robert Bruce
1st December 2014, 12:40 AM
I have known several people with this condition. The heavy workout 'to the point of complete exhaustion' is a solution that has worked for most.

A fully conscious OBE exit could ease your symptoms....even if you only get out of body for ten seconds. It is the act of a conscious OBE that would help, as this makes many changes in the energy body which could help stabilize you.

You will need to 'grit your teeth, or so to speak' and learn to ignore any sensations you get during OBE exit attempts. This takes practice and repeated OBE exit attempts.

Lucid dreaming, or wake induced lucid dreaming, might be easier...these are valid types of OBE projecting the mental body. This would be a good start, and wake induced lucid dreaming is far easier to achieve than conscious OBE.


1st December 2014, 02:51 PM
There is a WILDing tech stickied in the OBE R & D threads. If you'd like, I can link it.

21st December 2014, 12:21 AM
Hi Robert,

Thanks for your reply. I've never met anyone in real life who has this condition but I have met one lady online who has went something very similar to myself. In both cases the energy/vibrations are 24/7, constant and haven't left since the Kundalini was first activated, doing physical exercise does very little in the way of grounding the energy in my experience but rather provokes it further. It becomes most intense around bed time between the times of 7pm to 11pm. It's like electricity travelling through my body. Around 2am it's almost non-existent, just very subtle vibrations. Around 4am it begins to pick up again (but nowhere near the intensity that it is at night)

I feel you're right about a Conscious OBE exit helping to reset everything so to speak but the challenge is due to the intensity it is way too distracting to project, I have tried to grit my teeth but the velocity of the vibrations becomes unbearable. My mind is way too alert and potent to project in this state. Looks like the Lucid Dreaming path is going to be much easier to achieve. Interestingly my Lucid Dreams in the past normally automatically transition into OBE's. I'll spend the next few weeks aiming for this and report back. Thanks again.

I have known several people with this condition. The heavy workout 'to the point of complete exhaustion' is a solution that has worked for most.

A fully conscious OBE exit could ease your symptoms....even if you only get out of body for ten seconds. It is the act of a conscious OBE that would help, as this makes many changes in the energy body which could help stabilize you.

You will need to 'grit your teeth, or so to speak' and learn to ignore any sensations you get during OBE exit attempts. This takes practice and repeated OBE exit attempts.

Lucid dreaming, or wake induced lucid dreaming, might be easier...these are valid types of OBE projecting the mental body. This would be a good start, and wake induced lucid dreaming is far easier to achieve than conscious OBE.


21st December 2014, 12:22 AM
Hi CFTraveler,

Thanks yes that would be most helpful!

There is a WILDing tech stickied in the OBE R & D threads. If you'd like, I can link it.

Robert Bruce
1st January 2015, 05:53 AM
Sounds like meditation would also be a challenge, given the symptoms you have.

But, daily meditation would give you regular exposure to stronger symptoms. This would help you to get used to them.

The idea here is to learn how to accept these symptoms and to allow them to intensify.

Regardless, you appear to be in a development process and in time this should evolve and or settle down.

peace, robert

12th January 2015, 10:45 PM
I have been experiencing something similar for the last six or so years and this is the first time I've come across someone else who I can relate to.

Some of the things I experience are:

* Constant awareness of inner "electricity" that moves throughout the legs mostly, and can be stimulated and moved around with inner body actions.

* Increased psychic phenomena including precognition, moments of telepathy, spontaneous OBE while sleeping, lucid dreams without training or trying, ability to help others (quantum touch mostly, or running energy as seen in NEW).

While the electric body feeling is not particularly painful, it is highly annoying most of the time, but I have learned to live with it. I have been practicing techniques from Bruce's Energy Work book which have seemed to clear some of the pathways, thought I still feel there is work to be done before the energy can move freely without being annoying.

I feel the most relief after doing inner work with the feet and legs, moving awareness around the toes and bottom of the foot. It will feel as if I am pulling out dirt and debris and allowing the body's grounding mechanisms to do their thing.

I have also felt relief with the "six direction technique", learned from a former Quantum Touch Instructor and author. It is quite simple. Close your eyes and sit in the middle of your head. From this center space drift in each of the six directions (Back, Forward, Up, Down, Left, Right) and you will notice your body opens as the crown center opens. Just drift in each direction as far as you can imagine. If you are trying to push too hard in one direction you defeat the purpose, just open and allow.

Finally, I have noticed that sexual activity with another person completely diminishes the electric sensations.

13th January 2015, 02:20 AM
Hi CFTraveler,

Thanks yes that would be most helpful! Here you go: http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?3463-How-to-phase-Or-phasing-made-simple-