View Full Version : RK User - problem with broken Access Code

18th November 2014, 04:57 PM
Hello mr Robert.

Today I've paid the first monthly payment of $ 79.97 and received an access code on my email which stopped working about an hour later and now when I am trying to log in, it keeps saying
"This access code is incorrect. Enter your email address to retrieve the correct code."
But when I enter my email address it gives me the same broken link again and again. Could you solve this problem mr Robert please?

22nd November 2014, 12:11 PM
It seems I managed to solve the problem by myself, I just made the second part of the payment and the access was restarted automatically by the new access code which I've received on my email address, sorry to say but the help desk of the course is not helpful at all.

22nd November 2014, 05:03 PM
I am having the same problem and support is out to lunch I think.
I made my payment and I had access for a week.

22nd November 2014, 07:26 PM
OMG, It doesn't work again, it did it second time the same way, the log in does not recognize my email address again, this time it gave me just a few more hours. Mr. Robert could you do something please and restore access logging into the course site...?

Robert Bruce
24th November 2014, 07:51 AM
Sorry about this. I'll look into this, and the help issue.

I hope you have tried rebooting your system, and using another browser...some combinations can cause problems.

I'll need the user name and email. If you don't want to post it here, you can send it to forum admin CF Traveler and she'll pass it onto me.


30th November 2014, 12:14 PM
Last night I have paid the third part of the money and received another access code and as it seems this time I have managed to figure out what was the cause of the problem after all and finally I managed to watch Robert’s KR program (from the third attempt).

If someone have got problems with an access code like mine just follow my instructions.

1) Use only one browser (google chrome for example).

2) Untick all browser extensions including adblock.

3) don't bookmark the page with an access code.

4) Log in into the kundalini course site only through the original access code from your email address.

5) If the website suddenly will stop working and request an access code again, don't panic and follow the instruction №4.

6) Don't copy the access code and always use the original access code from your email address when you try to log in.

sorry for my english
peace leon :P :toast:

Robert Bruce
1st December 2014, 12:16 AM
See here for reply to this post

