View Full Version : Astral Sight

14th November 2014, 09:02 PM
Astral Sight: I`m a beginner at O.B.E. I Do a Daily Meditation Routine, I`ve be at it for about 6mos. now i`m at the point where i feel Subtle but noticible Full Body Vibrations it feels like a energy Projection from my body. I experience this always during deep Meditation, But I`m unable to see anything around me. how do i see with Astral Sight?

14th November 2014, 10:53 PM
Get away from your physical body, and it should come back to you, or, ask for vision loudly and clearly, or both.

23rd November 2014, 07:07 PM
For me, if I am very relaxed and doing trance work, it just happens. This is different than remote viewing; which for me, just happens at times also.

Astral Sight does not lead to a projection; one may be at hand though. Also be aware for Astral sounds, like loud shots or other loud explosive high impulse sounds.

Sometimes I can hear chanting or Indian type prayers, songs, or chants. Sometimes Angelic choir type music.
If that happens, just trance and listen, its beautiful.

23rd November 2014, 07:11 PM
Just a note:

If I have any alcohol in my body--even just one beer--I can forget about any sort of projection.
So if I want to try and project, I cannot have any alcohol that day. Don't know why, I guess it interferes with my brain. But, that's just me, I don't know if this is across the board with anyone else.

23rd November 2014, 09:18 PM
Hi Grant, just want to chirp in here about the alcohol.
I've had years of projections with alcohol ( wine) sometimes in my body, but projections were usually approx 8 hours after ( 4-6 am) with loads of water always.
You mention hearing choir music, prayers, chants, angelic type music. This makes me wonder if you don't project when drinking because you are normally able to tune into a higher vibration than most and as you say ' alcohol may intefer with your brain to reach these higher contacts
I only say this because of my issue of being encouraged to drink no alcohol.

I ditto the advice given so far. Away from body if you are already out. Think Astral sight now. Don't just wait till it's over and wonder why. If your not already out but have the sounds, concentrate realy hard on the sounds .( this will also prevent you thinking of your body and what's happening) which could end the experience. If you notice something flickering or developing behind the eyelids concentrate hard on what you see . All of this points your focus intensely on the event taking your mind there and thoughts are away from your body. ( that works for me anyway.) 😉

24th November 2014, 11:13 PM
Not for me. If I drink anything I just don't project. When I hear the sounds, I am not projecting, albeit my etheric body may be getting ready to. However, I have never "left" my body while listening. Astral sight is often happening at the same time.

I'm just going to mention this: When I project into the RTZ and the TV is on, I can hear the TV; when I look at it, all I see is a black screen. I guess that proves we are operating at a different phase and out of sync with the TV's image.