View Full Version : dream of someone repeating what i myself had exact thoughts of?

10th November 2014, 09:25 AM
i had another lucid dream but maybe little less vivid. it featured the guy that has been interested in me for the past month and half or so. basically,the night before,i had the thought and actually said this out loud too,to a friend that people are intricate and complex. i also came to a conclusion last night that you never know what people are doing and you shouldn't assume. this came after again finding out i need to give this person the benefit of the doubt because he keeps being innocent everytime i assume something for the worst.i end up finding out i was wrong and he was innocent in something. so,the dream was this person quoting this exact thing to me. he was quoting that people are intricate and complex and that you shouldn't assume about people and while he was saying this he was showing me his homepage of this social app i have lately been checking a lot to see what he's up to. the dream seems obvious,it's repeating my exact thoughts and conclusion i had before sleep,so i'm guessing the dream is just an affirmation of that? it does seem like we may be psychically connected as well,too. i've noticed he is quite in tune with my thoughts and have gotten a sign he may be having dreams of me or feeling in tune with me psychically in some other way. Sometimes,i feel on a soul level,our souls try to comfort one another on a psychic level..

22nd December 2014, 07:09 PM
I find that while dreams can have good meaning and insight, at least for me, for the most part dreams and just dreams. Its easy to want to look into a meaning for a dream but useally dreams will just repeat what you already know about yourself or someone such as in your where it was pretty much what you were already thinking. In these cases i wouldint look into to much or put much value into it, dreams have the potential for alot of insight but most of the time they are just dreams, random and chaotic thoughts.

As far as being telepathically connected with someone. I find this to be very true and something that happens useally when you have a strong emotional connection or investment. Which as you mentioned it makes it much easier to know what there thinking, feeling, and just makes a link with them that connects you on a deeper level.

23rd December 2014, 06:00 AM
dreams have the potential for alot of insight but most of the time they are just dreams, random and chaotic thoughts.
dreams are dreams, interesting circulatory definition, like saying a house is a house and a table is a table .... but so ... what are dreams then when we leave out a circular definition? ;)

random and chaotic they 'seem' to us when we try to remember the experience - dream is always what we remember of it not what we really 'experienced-

Maybe it's 'chaotic' because our conscious waking self cannot interpret it, but does that really mean that they are 'meaningless'? We might never understand a higher consciousness entirely and only grasp glimpses of it, so it could be something very different from meaningless even though the memory scraps put together like pieces of a bizarre puzzle of it makes us think so.

25th December 2014, 03:52 AM
You misunderstand what i mean. Dreams can have great and insightful meaning but sometimes there just dreams. Such as in life there can be great coincidences that have alot of meaning or events that seem random that can point you in a very important direction but sometimes things happen and they have no meaning. The meal you order at lunch or the kind of toothpaste you buy can be just that, a decision with no real meaning or consequence. I think people get caught up in dreams to much because they can have great value and insight, and meaning, but at the same time they can also just be dreams, just random thoughts. Just as you dont put value on every single event that happens in your life you shouldint put value into every single dream, unless that dream or life event stands out among the rest and your intuition says its important and you should listen to it.

26th December 2014, 10:36 AM
I'm afraid you still did not understand what I wanted to say, instead you repeat your circular definition ("dreams are dreams" ... whatever that means ... :shrug:)

dreams are experiences of your consciousness stream like this reality you experience is a conscousness stream you experience too in 'waking' state

many "mainstream" people think in old ways and believe they are "not real" (hence the "just dreams" wording...), but they are as real as this reality, as ANY reality you experience, be they understandable or not...

I do not say that you should try to interpret every dream you remember which is a futile undertaking indeed, so I agree with you on that. But I believe one could re-think the evaluation of a "dream" as you say is are "random thoughts". It is not a thought because a thought is more or less a conscious thing, your dreams are unconscious experiences, they are not "thoughts" per se in classical view. They are experiences.

Btw, I recommend, not for the first time here, Kurt Leland's "crash course" on dream interpretation, have fun:

