View Full Version : I think I had my first Lucid Dream.....

3rd November 2014, 07:25 PM
Ok so forgive me but this was maybe 2 days ago and now the details aren't really much at all lol . So I remember have a ton of random dreams in 1 night but 1 dream stood out to me. Basically I popped into a scene and I was on a street and I believe the sun was setting and there was this guy there. He felt like some kind of friend but I've never met him in real life . Then all of a sudden I notice the scene and colors were just so damn Vivid and juicy lol and in the dream I said " this is a Lucid Dream" !!! At that moment I felt a sort of power I've never really felt before ..... Well maybe when I was a child but the dream was different because of the vibrant colors. It was just so Beautiful !!! Now that I'm speaking about this I recall people saying that the Astral is very vibrant . Could that have been a OBE??? If so I would hope so because I've been working on having a Conscious OBE. I'm 25 and when I was younger from about 17 to 23 I used to get Vibrations and sleep paralysis all the time and I was so scared and the last time it happen I said to myself that I hope this never happens again and it really hasn't and I HONESTLY want that back now because I'm ready to explore the Astral Consciously and just expand my life even more . I just wanna say thank you to Robert Bruce for all his explorations and revelations and I admire your work.✨✨✨✨✨😊☺️😊✨✨✨✨✨ P.S my Dreams lately just have been very Interesting .

4th November 2014, 02:16 AM
I would say that it was a projection to the astral via a lucid dream. Congratulations.

4th November 2014, 02:48 AM
Yay !! That's so cool . That feels great to know that I'm getting somewhere!! Lol. I had bought some post it's so I could right affirmations on them and I put a ton above my bed about having fun in the Astral and I see that it's starting to pay off . Thank you . 😊😊😊😊