View Full Version : Project out of crown center into high dimensional planes?

27th October 2014, 01:41 AM
How do you project out of crown center into high dimensional planes?

Robert Bruce
17th November 2014, 02:41 AM
Do energy work regularly to stimulate and develop your higher centers.


5th December 2014, 02:24 AM
Yeah head spins, head rolls, head bounce etc.

What about the actual projection?

Robert Bruce
11th December 2014, 02:21 AM
The level you can project on depends greatly on how your chakras are wired, and on how active they are at the time. Energy work can change how your chakras respond during OBE exit, and can thus produce higher level experiences.

Apart from setting your intentions and doing affirmations 'I project out of my crown chakra' before and during the OBE session (not during the actual exit as you need to keep your mind clear for this) there is no special technique involved.


18th December 2014, 01:18 AM
Which method leads to the highest planes:

a. Lucid dreaming / mental projection


b. OBE with exit

Robert Bruce
12th January 2015, 03:52 PM
Both lucid dreaming and astral projection can lead to the highest planes. Which method you use depends on what works for you.

But, my best advice here is to start with the Real Time Zone, and work your way up.
