View Full Version : Had a dream about the author Alan Moore...would like to share

13th October 2014, 08:58 AM
I had a really vivid dream about the author occultist and comic book writer Alan Moore recently.

I wasn't really a fan of his until the dream , I'd read Watchmen and some of his other stuff and seen him in the flesh once (but not spoken to him) as he lives in the next town to mine and did a book signing I glanced at. But I haven't read most of his famous books or given him much thought.

In the dream, I was in Northampton and I saw him coming down the road, and I sent an internet message out on my phone to my comic fan friends saying "Alan Moore is here, come if you want to see him".

Anyway, Alan Moore got to me, and I looked around, and I was alone. He said hello to me and I said "I have some friends who want to meet you, I just called them over when I saw you, but they haven't turned up". He sat down on a bench with me and said "that's ok, we don't need them, how are you".

He also..looked nothing like Alan Moore, he looked like a kind of woodsman or farmer with a different face and a green anorak, nothing like his real life look. But I knew it was him and didn't even notice till looking back later.

Anyway I told him about how I used to like comics but sometimes people in the comic stores were rude and I was fed up with them, and he said "yes, it's like that I agree". He seemed really warm and kind of radiated warmth and peace.

And ..not sure how to describe this..he seemed to sort of embody everything about old Britain, forests and nature magic, and fantasy. He had this air of old English magic and nature and old trees, myth and fantasy, around him.

It's really stayed with me since I had the dream a few weeks ago and I've been reading more of his books. It's like some sort of energy or culture I associate with him kind of came to me in his form and stayed with me.

13th October 2014, 01:23 PM
That's kind of cool.