View Full Version : What do you suppose this meant?

7th October 2014, 08:31 PM
Recently I had a lucid dream where I was ironically trying to practice controlling my surroundings. Out of complete NOWHERE- literally left field- an angel that looked like my older sister walked out from behind a bush and told me she was here to help me with my lucid dreams. (Usually I spend my lucid dream time trying to make it into an OBE.) I agreed and I expected her to help me learn to fly into space (because that's how I've tried to make it into an OBE, but I can never learn to fly.) To my surprise, we spent the dream learning to fall backwards without being scared of hitting the ground. She even told me my problem was that I was thinking too realistically, and that in a lucid dream, I could not get hurt. If I believed I was going to get hurt by hitting the ground, then I wasn't in the right mindset to have an OBE.
I've spent a LOT of time and energy wondering what that was all about, until one day I picked up my Astral Dynamics book on a whim and looked at the lucidity section. It turns out there's a specific section on falling backwards in hopes of turning a lucid dream into an OBE- I'm not even sure if that was the first time I've read it, and if I had I had LONG forgotten it.

So last night during a random lucid dream, I decided to try and ask my higher self how I can astral project. More specifically, I went up to my 'dad' in the dream, and asked "how can I learn how to astral project?" I didn't directly ask my higher self, but I was hoping they would answer through him. To my surprise, my 'dad' gave me an incredibly annoyed look. I wondered if it was because 1. I wasn't using the time to try to fall backwards, and instead was asking him this question. or maybe 2. A lucid dream is already an OBE? When I didn't say anything, he replied "If you don't try, you'll succeed." I was incredibly confused and tried to correct him by saying "don't you mean 'if you keep trying, you'll succeed...?" He looked extremely confused at this, and then after a pause, continued his annoyed look and said "yes, if you keep trying, you'll succeed." He said that last part as if he were only saying it to satisfy my confusion (like when you just agree with someone to shut them up.) The lucid dream ended there, as it was a really short one.

Should I really dwell on this too much, or do you think it was simply just the dream acting funny? I wasn't very lucid to begin with, and I was asking my 'dad' who was in the dream before the lucidity, so I wouldn't be surprised. I was hoping I would get something more profound like the angel earlier, who even seemed to predict the future, but maybe that just wasn't the case here?

7th October 2014, 09:11 PM
Usually I just wake myself up from a lucid dream- and not move my physical body- to find myself at the RTZ, so maybe you should try that.
Best of luck :heart:

8th October 2014, 12:06 AM
That's where I'm trying to get- the RTZ- but I don't know how? How do I wake myself up from a lucid dream? (I feel like I'll just simply lose lucidity.) I've never tried but I don't know what I have to do to do it?

8th October 2014, 12:58 PM
Tell you what I think: Your 'dad' (could have been him or a self-aspect, in terms of my answer it's good either way) gave you the rolly eyes because you asked him how to do what you're already doing. He knew it, and/or part of you already knows it.
An astral projection is a projection to the astral plane- and when you're in a dream environment you're already in the astral plane, having a dream experience. The level of lucidity and nature of the experience (self created vs. collectively created) is the difference. If you're lucid enough to ask such questions, you're already in the astral plane, you just haven't moved from the personal experience to the collective experience- which any movement with purpose (such as flying away) will achieve.
Now, turning a lucid dream into an out of body experience is a different animal- because you have to go from being in a dream environment to your body awareness (i.e. wake up a little) and then to move out of body. This is easier than it sounds but it will be a short experience (mostly).
All you do to achieve the OBE from the lucid dream is to think of your body, knowing you're in bed sleeping, feeling the bed under you (or however you sleep). The body awareness will wake you just enough to realize where you are (in your body) and if you don't move and make sure to keep your eyes closed no matter whether you see or not, eventually a separation symptom will happen (with this, usually vibrations for me) and you can do an old fashioned exit technique, of which we have loads of in the OBE R & D subsection.