View Full Version : Flutter

26th September 2014, 10:29 PM
Hello I have had books by Robert regarding energy, but did not know I would find the exact thing I am having trouble with in another book of his. I found it today and was wondering if anyone else has had the trouble with "flutters"?
My husband and I thought it was a little "ghost kitty" at night, and disregarded it, until now. A week or so ago my friends were going to try out a "vipassana" retreat, and I said I would go. At first I was pretty closed up, but kept picking up stuff from others, so decided to expand my energy/aura to push things out away where I could be more aware of them, and immediately felt better during meditation, however, I was awakened after two hours of sleep by the "flutter thing", which evidently had followed me from home, and my heart was in afib. Very scary. I got it beating half-way right again and then went home, but have had trouble since.
I am not sure what happened, but I would love to get rid of it. The pentagram thing seems kind of weird, but I am doing the affirmations, and will work on the visualizations and other things.
I am historically good at pulling out images, so those are not bothering me, it is now the health thing, and I am wondering if anyone else is having/has had this problem.

Summer L

27th September 2014, 01:57 AM
I answered the other post- about the bar of soap. Also try using something like tiger balm or tea tree oil (or something aromatic like that) in the palms of your feet before going to bed, and try not to get freaked out by things like that. (I know, not that easy, but it's better to not give it too much attention.)
Now, is the a-fib something diagnosed?