View Full Version : Do strong energetic connections (with someone in the physical) hinder astral projection?

4th September 2014, 05:52 AM
The past 8 months since I met my boyfriend, I have been unable to project. I have no idea why. While mulling this over, a voice in my head said that this intense energetic connection between me and him in the physical is preventing me from having astral experiences.

Can this be possible? Has anybody else had the same experience?

4th September 2014, 12:05 PM
As far as I know, no, unless you believe it does. However, if being with someone is making you feel guilty about projecting (if he's jealous and you feel like you're dedicating less time to your relationship with him) it may affect your ability to project, but it's entirely self-created.
It's like worry- some types of worry actually encourage you to project, while other types ground you.

4th September 2014, 12:07 PM
You've been together for 8 months. My only question is, where is your heart, energy and intent focused? Are you approaching your practice with the same mind, heart, energy as you did before the relationship?

Also, I'm putting this out there in the same manner one would throw darts with a blindfold on, but sexual activity grounds me out. Probably too much information, but some perennial wisdom suggests that giving up energy in the act may do just that. However, there's a lot of perennial wisdom out there and some of it is in disagreement, naturally.

My girlfriend is a dream amplifier. If I sleep apart from her I must work to remember dreams if I care to. When in her bed my dreams go boom all night. But CFT's point on what you believe is spot on. The mind is everything.

Keep contemplating and the answer will come to you well on its own.


4th September 2014, 01:03 PM
Maybe some more experienced members would know better but my advice is- it was adviced by Robert Monroe to try and mentally put things that keep you grounded to the phisical in a "mental box". I tried searching for a quote to copy from the book, but I couldn't find it. Sorry about that. Anyway you should put away things that you feel are grounding you to the physical before trying to exit- in your mental box and put them behind you. Hope I helped!

4th September 2014, 09:17 PM
I think the answer is a simple one. If your boyfriend is over and spending the night with you all the time and your together alot then this could seriously interupt your energy and projection work. I find when someones sleeping in the same bed as me its hard to do any energy work, not only that but keep in mind that the best time for obe and lucid dreams are when you go back to sleep after waking up early in the morning. Having someone over can interfere with this. I cant tell you how many times iv not had a girl come over for the night because I didint want them interupting my energy work or messing up my chances of having a LD, and because i like to get up for a bit then go back to sleep to increase my chances of having a LD. That and a seriously relationship tends to interupt and take away from other aspects of your life, which is quite normal. Im sure we have all experienced when a friend gets a seriously girlfriend and then they start negleting there friends or dont spend as much time with there family or start ignoring there school work. Im not trying to make you feel bad about being in a relationship but poitning out that when we do get into a serious relationship it usually takes away time from other aspects of our lifes, i suspect energy work and obe is no different.

My suggestion would be to work on your obe and energy work on nights or days when your not going to see your boyfriend. And dont talk to your boyfriend about any of this stuff unless he is also into it in the same way that you are. Because i have found that it can be very demoralizing when someone that you care about dosent support or even believe in the same interest that you have especially when you feel so passionately about them.